by Dana
by Dana
This program promotes learning to read, spelling, phonemic awareness, comprehension and so very much more. Lessons are thorough and designed to fit the grade level they are created for, yet they are also fun and keep your child interested. Children truly gain so much from using this program.
by Dana
by Dana
B is for Blogging
I’m a blogger. That’s just what I do. I love blogging. I enjoy sharing with others and using this creative outlet to speak my mind.
I began blogging in 2009 simply as a way to express myself. I wanted to share with others about our life. I wanted to find a way to write again, which I hadn’t been doing a lot of simply because I had very little time. Blogging gave me a reason to write.
I began reviewing not long after I started blogging. I started with book reviews. It was a great way to get free books and share with others about what I was reading. Those are two things I greatly enjoy.
I began working as a reviewer for The Old Schoolhouse about 4 years ago. Being a homeschooler, TOS was a huge part of my life. The materials gifted through the amazing online parties thrown occasionally by Gena Suarez were impressive and Gena herself is an amazing woman to look up to. The things Gena does for the homeschooling community and the genuine love of others that she has was a huge inspiration to me. Gena is the main reason I wanted to become a TOS reviewer.
The first year I applied, I did not finish my trial. I gave up and I honestly regretted not joining up. Every time I saw a TOS review for that next year, I mentally kicked myself for not following through with my tryout and joining the review team.
When the next TOS try-out came along, I applied again and I made it all the way through. I am so glad I did. The crew has been a great blessing to me and our family. I have enjoyed reviewing and blogging while working on the Schoolhouse Review Team.
Writing is a huge part of my life. Blogging allows me to write and get out how I feel. I use blogging to express myself, to share my feelings, to share great products with others and to learn more about myself in unexpected ways. There is just so much to it.
Over the last 5 years, I have greatly enjoyed this blog. I plan to continue to blog for as long as possible and I look forward to sharing with each of you our ups and downs, our happiness and tears and all the things along the way. I hope you enjoy our blog as well.
So tell me, if you blog, why do you do it? Share your stories! I look forward to reading them.
by Dana
I have taken a few days away from writing blog posts, except for reviews, and I’ve been concentrating on my photography for the past week. I’ve also been working on our family’s tree and doing some much needed housework. The mix of everything has definitely been keeping me busy.
The photos are coming out great and I have several shoots lined up in the next few weeks which will be keeping me very busy now the Crew year has ended. It’s been great learning new things, editing and seeing images “pop” in ways I never expected. I’m finding that I am enjoying taking pictures again.
The family tree has also been fun. I’ve learned so much about our ancestors that I never expected. It’s been interesting to learn where we came from and telling the kids stories I’ve come across about our various ancestors. They’ve enjoyed the history and the family relations as much as I have.
I am excited for all the new ventures in our lives and the Holidays that are coming up as well. It’s a busy but fun life. It’s fulfilling and I find that I’m once again Luv’N Lambert Life.
by Dana
So I was reading about 5 Minute Fridays on another blog and thought, what a cool thing to do! And here I am. Today’s subject: Story. Starting my 5 minute alarm now. Here goes:
You can find our story all through this blog. Our life with Epilepsy. Our years homeschooling. Our family and our love for each other.
All of these things add up to tell our personal story. It’s been a long journey since I began blogging. It’s been a tiresome year this year for us. Adding to the story more and more every day. This thing called Epilepsy, it doesn’t hide and it doesn’t seem willing to give us a break anytime soon.
Story: the kids favorite things are books. They enjoy reading and I’m thankful. It shows me this homeschooling thing has paid off for us. So many doubted my choices in the beginning. They did not understand why I chose to be different. They questioned my beliefs. But I feel we have proven others wrong. Homeschooling is like everything else. It’s not perfect but it does work.
It shows every time my children pick something up and read it. My son struggles with his reading abilities but he is coming to learn that he can read more than even he realizes. And my Emma, well she is great at reading. She’s avid and loves to read things that truly teach her, like science stories.
Laycie is quickly following in her footsteps. Every day she has a new series of books that she wants someone to read to her. It’s amazing to see just how many words she’s come to recognize.
This year she begins truly homeschooling, but even that won’t be rushed. I will allow her to grow and learn in her schooling. I will allow her to take the time she needs to learn what is most important to her.
— So the bell has rung and my time is up. Not too bad for my first Five Minute Friday!