For this review, we were given a copy of the Institute for Excellence in Writing’s Fix It! Grammar. We were allowed to choose which book we reviewed and I chose the first in this series for my children: Fix It! Grammar: The Nose Tree. We received both the Fix It! Grammar: The Nose Tree Teacher’s manual and the Fix It! Grammar: The Nose Tree Student book for Book 1. This is a 6 book series which sells online for $19 for the teacher’s manual and $15 for the student book. This program series is for students in 3rd grade and up.
IEW’s Fix It! Grammar is one of the best programs I have used thus far. The program is wonderfully thorough and so easy to use. It was perfect for our homeschooling.
We have been looking for a great Grammar program to use for a while, especially for Emmalee. She’s a very independent learner and doesn’t require or want a lot of instruction from the programs she uses. So I had been searching for a program that would teach her exactly what she needs to know as quickly as she learns. The program also needed to be somewhat adjustable and easy to pick up on because Emmalee wants to learn so quickly right now that instruction bores her and makes listening hard for her to do.
With Fix It! Grammar: The Nose Tree, Book 1, I was able to give Emmalee a brief lesson on what she was learning and have her jump right into completing her lesson in the student workbook. The Teacher’s manual covered everything I needed to teach Emmalee how to use Fix It! Grammar and what we were learning about in the section we were working on. It also helped that Emma is a great student and she loves learning which made the program flow a lot easier for us. I would not have had the same results with my son, who does not learn as easily as his sister but this program is still great for him as well.
Students do need a binder for his program which will need to be purchased before they get started. Within the binder should be dividers organized as Fix Its, Grammar Glossary, Rewrite, and Vocabulary. Students should start their week out by reading through the “Learn It” section, being sure to cut out the weekly grammar cards that are located at the back of the student book. I laminated these to make it easier to use and keep up with them since they are to be used for the year and beyond of learning through Fix It! Grammar. The first few times we did the lessons, I helped by modeling the lesson on the dry erase board to show Emma exactly what was expected of her while using the program. As I already mentioned, it did not take her long to catch on.
Emma enjoyed fixing the passages she read through. She also enjoyed the interesting reading that was provided through some of the passages she edited. She also enjoyed the rewrites for each lesson. It made for great copy writing practice to help build her handwriting skills as well.
This was such a great program for her to use and just what she was needing for the stage of learning she is now in. I’ve watched Emma blossom in her learning while working through Fix It! Grammar: The Nose Book these past few weeks and I love seeing the love of learning on her face. It’s the best feeling ever to have a product and know it’s working so well for your child’s learning skills.
Institute for Excellence in Writing can be found online in the following places:
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