If you’ve been looking for a great online program for teaching children to read, look no further than Essential Skills Advantage. Essential Skills Advantage is for students in grades Kindergarten through 6th. It’s a great way to learn reading and language skills for young students.
Essential Skills Advantage offers a full Premium Membership program for your students which teaches important skills for reading and language development and comes with bonus content. Cost for a Premium Membership is $9.99 a month. Essential Skills Advantage is now offering a sponsored version of the program for free. You can sign up for this free version at www.ESAlearning.com. The free version includes most but not all of the features of the Premium Membership. It also has adds which keep it free.
For a limited time, you can sign up using the code TOS50 to receive this program for 50% off of the original price. This code is good until October 1st and will remain applicable for as long as you are a member of the Essential Skills Advantage program. That makes the program $4.99 a month instead of the usual $9.99 a month.
This is a wonderful program for all young children. My three school aged students were given access to the program for this trial. All three enjoyed using and learning with the program.
To use this program, you need the internet with a Java script enabled browser. Sound is necessary as well. And finally, you need Flash Player 10 to use the program.
Each parent/teacher is given a special URL for sign-in. You will need to bookmark this for repeating visits. You simply go to the URL and then you or your student can select which level they will be working on. Once you choose the level, you will be taken to another page where you will be able to log-in using that students username and password.
Once logged in, the student can then select what they wish to work on. This will take you to another page of selections for learning. At the bottom of the page, is a bar that fills up as your child works through the program. This shows the child how much work has been completed and how much is left to go. There’s also a star that can be clicked which also shows just how much the student has completed within the program. This is a great visual for both the student to see how far they’ve come and the teacher to see what the student has completed and what needs more work.
This program promotes learning to read, spelling, phonemic awareness, comprehension and so very much more. Lessons are thorough and designed to fit the grade level they are created for, yet they are also fun and keep your child interested. Children truly gain so much from using this program.
The program is easy to use. It’s a lot of clicking through pages to get started but this goes quickly once you have logged in a few times. The program is fun to use and captivates the attention of students of any age. The imagery is perfect for Elementary students and the concepts are easily grasped.
Essential Skills Advantage is perfect for all the students in our family. Jack, of course, is a bit young for it yet. Winston uses the program for review and also for building reading comprehension. It’s great for his remedial reading skills and has been a huge confidence booster for him.
Emmalee enjoys the program too. She was able to do many of the higher grade level lessons and has worked through them fairly fast. She’s a great reader so this is expected for her. It’s been great to polish up her skills though.
Laycie is using the program as a beginning reader and has no problem keeping up. This will be a huge help for her this year as she learns more and more reading skills. It captivates her attention and keeps her wanting to learn more.
We look forward to continuing to use Essential Skills Advantage for reading and language development through the year. It’s been a great program that we’ve all enjoyed and it definitely has helped us in so many ways. I’m sure you will love it too!
You can find Essential Skills Advantage online in the following places:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/skillsadvantage
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SkillsAdvantage
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/SkillsAdvantage/
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