by Dana
by Dana
Luv’N Lambert Life has been on vacation for the last few days. We took a short trip to Georgia over the weekend to visit family and really enjoyed ourselves. Family time and fun away from the norm was something we really needed.
The kids really loved the in-ground pool. They went down the waterslide, cannonballed off the side, and swam until they were exhausted. When they weren’t playing in the pool, they were loving playing inside, jumping on the mini-trampoline and swinging on the tree swing. We also enjoyed a wonderful fireworks show in town with everyone. It was the perfect vacation for us all.
On the way home, we stopped by several great stores just to look around. We picked out a boat for all the kids to fit on safely while we go on our River Adventures but we haven’t made a purchase yet. We also picked some adorable furniture to use at our house for Outdoor Adventures at home (not purchased yet). The kids enjoyed helping us pick those out too!
On July 4th, we held a cookout at home with family and good friends. The kids played in the water sprinklers and baby pool keeping cool. We enjoyed grilled burgers and hot dogs and a great fireworks show when night came. Laycie was a little scared but overall she did great with the fireworks. The whole weekend was wonderful.
The kids got a little burnt. Laycie didn’t since she stayed right with me the whole weekend. Winston tanned just like he always does. Poor Justain and Emmalee paid the price for sitting in the sun though. Emma’s poor little shoulders are still red two days later and she usually tans just like her brother. Not this time though, so we have been keeping on the aloe and taking tylenol as needed for pain. No blisters or peeling so hopefully she will be ok.
The past two days have been spent cleaning house. We have removed tons of clothing from the kids bedrooms, sorted through it and re-washed what had been sitting in drawers or the closet for a while. I made laundry detergent on the 4th for the fun of it and needed to try it out! So far it’s working better than my store bought detergent and it doesn’t make my skin itch like the store bought kind does! I’m in LOVE with it! We have decided we want to wash the whole house down with this soap, it smells sooo good!!
So that’s pretty much what we’ve been up to for the past week. For the rest of the month, we will be continuing schoolwork, decluttering house, and spending time with friends since we have three birthday parties during the month to attend. There’s a lot of love to be shared and a lot of fun for us while we are Luv’N the Lambert Life.