B is for Blogging
I’m a blogger. That’s just what I do. I love blogging. I enjoy sharing with others and using this creative outlet to speak my mind.
I began blogging in 2009 simply as a way to express myself. I wanted to share with others about our life. I wanted to find a way to write again, which I hadn’t been doing a lot of simply because I had very little time. Blogging gave me a reason to write.
I began reviewing not long after I started blogging. I started with book reviews. It was a great way to get free books and share with others about what I was reading. Those are two things I greatly enjoy.
I began working as a reviewer for The Old Schoolhouse about 4 years ago. Being a homeschooler, TOS was a huge part of my life. The materials gifted through the amazing online parties thrown occasionally by Gena Suarez were impressive and Gena herself is an amazing woman to look up to. The things Gena does for the homeschooling community and the genuine love of others that she has was a huge inspiration to me. Gena is the main reason I wanted to become a TOS reviewer.
The first year I applied, I did not finish my trial. I gave up and I honestly regretted not joining up. Every time I saw a TOS review for that next year, I mentally kicked myself for not following through with my tryout and joining the review team.
When the next TOS try-out came along, I applied again and I made it all the way through. I am so glad I did. The crew has been a great blessing to me and our family. I have enjoyed reviewing and blogging while working on the Schoolhouse Review Team.
Writing is a huge part of my life. Blogging allows me to write and get out how I feel. I use blogging to express myself, to share my feelings, to share great products with others and to learn more about myself in unexpected ways. There is just so much to it.
Over the last 5 years, I have greatly enjoyed this blog. I plan to continue to blog for as long as possible and I look forward to sharing with each of you our ups and downs, our happiness and tears and all the things along the way. I hope you enjoy our blog as well.
So tell me, if you blog, why do you do it? Share your stories! I look forward to reading them.