Wordless Wednesday: Relationship April 12, 2017 {Wordless Wednesday}
Choosing Life {Epilepsy Awareness}
Many years ago, I was asked to write a post that I have put off until now. My reason for not completing the assignment as asked was simply that I am always to busy. But recently this topic has weighed heavily in my heart and I feel it’s time to speak.
I was born with a disorder that affects my day to day life. For years, my Mother could not understand why. She only knew it was a terrible disorder that left me lifeless for long periods of time and terrified her greatly. This disorder is Epilepsy.
Growing up, we had no answers and we were thankful when I did outgrow the tonic clonic episodes. My Mother beyond thankful to not have to watch her daughter helplessly suffer. It was everything she spent her life praying for.
At 19, I married my ex-husband. At 21, I had my son, who does not have Epilepsy. At 23, I had my daughter, Emmalee. At 3 months, just two weeks after her first vaccines, she began having seizures as well. They continued until she was 5 when she also outgrew them. God is amazing.
As Emma grew, I became pregnant with my third child, my daughter Laycie. Having Emma, I thought, okay we have this disorder, she has it and so my next child will be fine. Not true. At 4 months, just two weeks following her vaccine series, Laycie also began to have seizures. At 4 1/2 months, Laycie went Status Epilepticus with 9 tonic clonics and over 23 absence and complex partials. Honestly, I lost count. The seizure lasted 13 hours straight. I truly thought my baby was dead. But God had much bigger plans.
When Laycie was 3, at her birthday party, I began to have seizures again. This time a complex partial took control of my mind and body and left me without control. Several more have followed since but I haven’t let them stop me.
4 years later, I became pregnant with my 4th child, a boy: Jackson. At this point, I already knew I would not vaccinate as it is an obvious trigger for my children’s seizures. I didn’t and his seizures held off. At 10 months, he began to have Involuntary Breath Holding Spells which trigger Epileptic seizure.
It was at this point that we began to seek genetic testing to find a reason for all these seizures and the link between us because it was obvious this was genetic. It took over 2 years to get answers. The first panel didn’t show any genes. The much bigger panel for Epilepsy did pinpoint a gene for me, Emma and Laycie though not for Jack. We still have no reason for Jack’s seizures.
Through all of this, I never once considered not having my children. I never once considered them a burden, but instead a blessing from God. I never once considered being their Mother a burden either, though sometimes it’s challenging. But God knew. He knew what he was doing when He blessed me with each one of them.
For me, abortion was never a thought or an option. I believe that God will equip us for our needs. I believe He alone gives us our beautiful children and He alone knows just what we can handle. I could have never chosen that option as it wasn’t in me.
See even if you have Epilepsy, even if you feel like you just can’t do this Motherhood thing, even if you see more challenges then you may feel it’s worth, don’t give up. Hold strong to God’s Love. Know that He’s chosen you for a special mission, a mission of Love. Choose life. Choose to have Faith for God will not fail you.
Abortion is the easy answer for us. It’s promoted to be a quick solution but it’s not. The ache in your heart is never healed. The missing child cannot be replaced. It’s something that will remain in your soul forever.
So I beg you to pray, to search your soul before you make this decision that will affect your life permanently. I beg you to ask God to show you the truth of the light and His word. I beg you to allow Him to show you the plans He has made for you. Though, at first, it may seem impossible God can make things happen that you cannot imagine.
Had I known what I do now about my life and that of my children, I still would change nothing. My children are a blessing. They hold my heart and there is nothing I would not do for them. They truly changed my life. I know it will be the same for you.
Many blessings,
Dana Lambert – Hodge
CompuScholar, Inc. Digital Savvy {Crew Review}
In exchange for our honest opinion of this product, we were given access to the online program, Digital Savvy. Digital Savvy comes with a monthly subscription or a yearly subscription for the course, with the ability to add additional students as well. It’s a great program for any family to use.
About The Program:
Digital Savvy is designed to help your student develop a better understanding of how computers and programming works. This is a full year, two semester course offered fully online. It is considered to be an introductory technology class for beginners though students should have an idea of computer basics and keyboarding before taking this course. It is also aligned to course standards for many states.
The program requires a MAC system version of 10.7 or higher or Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10. There are 25 lessons and additional lessons to supplement. The course covers approximately 164 days or 33 weeks of school for the course during the school year. There are hands-on projects in each chapter, creative for each type of learner.
To access the program, you simply create a teacher log-in or a student log-in with the specific codes sent to you after purchase. This is easily done through the website. Then you can log-in and get started learning all about the course.
The first course chapter jumps right in to teaching you all about different types of computers and their components. Chapter two teaches the student about program applications, software and web browsers. Chapter three covers different types of operating systems like Windows and iOS.
Each chapter builds upon the last and helps the student learn the importance of the computer and it’s programming and components. It builds up to the last chapter in which the Final Project is created. This project shows the details of what the student has learned during the course of the year.
Each lesson shares a video about what you are learning, along with text and a lesson quiz. Chapter one has 4 lessons, each with these elements. There is also an activity to complete and a lesson exam to see what you have learned. This should take about a week for the student to complete.
How We Used It:
We have a very digital, tech savvy family so I felt this course would be great for my two oldest children to learn more about the details behind computers and how they work. They knew the basics but they are learning even more. Also because they both have a deep interest in video games and creativity, I felt this program would be great. My oldest son has considered being a Video Game Programmer once he finishes his schooling so this course made an excellent course to go along with that.
After I set up the program, I gave my older children their log-ins so they could get started. Of course, we could not complete this program in the review period but we could did get a good idea of how it worked. The kids enjoyed the videos and details they learned through the program. They worked at it several days a week, sometimes completing more than one lesson. They’ve shared their knowledge with me and Dad, Grandma and the little kids as well.
We will be continuing this program once the review is over because they have learned so much in the past few weeks. They look forward to continuing the program and learning more. They also enjoy debating and comparing what they have learned with one another.
You can buy Digital Savvy through CompuScholar, Inc. online as either a self-study or teacher-led course for $15 for the self-study or $35 for the teacher-led course, which is what we used. The one-year option is also available for $120 for the self-study or $300 for the teacher-led course. Either option gives you access to the same materials for the course but the one-year option allows you to add additional students to the course for $40 for the self-study option or $220 for the teacher-led option.
Other Places You Can Find the Vendor Online:
Homeschool Programming
Facebook – www.facebook.com/HomeschoolProgramming
Twitter – https://twitter.com/HSProgramming @hsprogramming
CompuScholar, Inc
https://twitter.com/CompuScholar @compuscholar
Shepherd, Potter, Spy and the Star Namer {Crew Review}
Memoria Press: First Form Greek {Crew Review}
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