What We Received:
For this review, we were sent the beautiful paperback novel Shepherd, Potter, Spy and the Star Namer from Peggy Consolver – Author. Peggy is a wonderful author and sweet Christian lady who felt led to share the story of the Gibeonites with us all. The story she tells takes us back to a time many of us struggle to understand but she’s able to weave the story so we can see the past we often wonder about.
About The Book:
Have you ever wondered about the historical information that is shared throughout the Bible? Have you ever wished to know what life was really like for many of the people mentioned? Have you wondered how they lived, where they trod, even what their flocks were like? Through Shepherd, Potter, Spy and the Star Namer, Peggy Consolver has done her best to help us better understand the plight of the Gibeonite people as they lived day to day.
Shepherd, Potter, Spy and the Star Namer by Peggy Miracle Consolver tells the story of the Gibeonite people. The story is centered around a young shepherd boy named Keshub. Keshub fights hard to keep his flock and his people safe from harm. He longs for adventure outside of the grazing lands, to be someone more than he is. He eventually finds the adventure he seeks and becomes a spy who keeps watch over the Hebrews as they move through the Jordan Valley.
This book shares many specific details to the time period and the detail of life of the people. Peggy Consolver did her research thoroughly as she wrote this story. Though the story of Keshub is fictional, it’s still based in Truth from scripture and archeological research. This story speaks life to a people who struggled to live.
Additional Learning:
Peggy Consolver has shared part of her website to help expand the lessons behind Shepherd, Potter, Spy and Star Namer. She has created a study guide which can be used with the book to expand on the information within the pages of the book. She has provided access to maps specifically for the time period discussed in the book. She has also provided links to information, videos to help expand on the archeological details covered within the book, and more. This is a great little guide to really help bring the book to life.
Where You Can Buy This Book:
Shepherd, Potter, Spy and the Star Namer is available through Amazon for $10.14 at time of this posting. It is also available at Barnes and Nobles, Mardel’s Christian Book Stores and “wherever fine books are sold”.
You Can Find Peggy Consolver on Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/peggy.consolver
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