May 3, 2017 {Simple Woman’s Daybook}
Simple Woman’s Daybook
Outside my window, the sun is shining brightly.
Help Don if he needs it.
Finish mowing the grass.
Write reviews for both Messy Journey and Women Who Move Mountains.
Sometimes life gets busy. Still we must put Faith first every day. God is what gets us through. Without Him we accomplish nothing.
A quote I like:
We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.
The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come.
-Joseph Campbell
Wordless Wednesday: Warthog Rider May 3, 2017 {Wordless Wednesday}
God Knows Best {Thoughts From Me}
I started this week with the best of intentions. I had planned to share with you all of the great sales going on this week. I had planned to set up posts ahead of time and have them all ready to go.
Life happened. Other things had to be done. I haven’t had the time to do the things on my to-do list at all.
It’s been a hectic week but even though I haven’t been able to get my plans done, I was still able to get a lot done. Other things have fallen into place. Sometimes God makes changes we don’t realize and for a reason. His plan is always better than our own.
So even when life happens and things don’t go as planned, remember that God’s always there, always making plans for us that are best whether we think so at the time or not. God’s always leading, always loving us and always choosing what’s in our best interest. Even when we don’t, He knows the way.
God bless,
Dana Lambert-Hodge
Wordless Wednesday: Laycie is 9 April 18, 2017 {Wordless Wednesday}
Shepherd, Potter, Spy and the Star Namer {Crew Review}