The Essence of Courageby Lynn U. Watson
The Essence of Courage by Lynn U. Watson is a devotional experience like no other before it. Lynn combines her love of the Lord, her love of Essential Oils and herbs, with her love of stories and writing to create a story-book devotional that truly speaks to your heart. This book is just amazing and one I have truly enjoyed.
The Essence of Courage is the first of a series of devotional books created to educate and share about God’s love for us, diving deep into the stories within Solomon’s locked Garden. Lynn creates lovable characters based on the Fruits of the Spirit shared within the Bible itself. Essences of these strong women, who though sometimes unnamed, their stories speak out like no other.
She also includes fun facts about essential oils and spices that go along with these stories, educating you even more as you read and learn. You learn how to use these oils to relax and inspire yourself each day, helping you to remember the Fruits in your day to day life. Learning with this devotional is an experience you definitely won’t want to miss.
Each chapter shares stories of Cinnamah-Brosia and her friends. To begin there are suggested oils and herbs to use to encourage you. Their aromatic influence is described. A suggested Daily Delight is mentioned, along with some musical suggestions to inspire you. Then the day’s verse is shared, followed by an inspiring story that ends with another inspiring scripture.
You will greatly enjoy this fun devotional from Lynn U. Watson. Her encouragement is inspiring. You can grab your copy online for $14.99 in Paperback or $3.99 on Kindle.
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