Changing Me {Thoughts From Me}
Every year I make a post about what I want to change. Heck, every few months I make that post. Yet I never seem to make the changes happen. I go through the start of the process, but I can’t seem to make it to the awaited result.
I’ve read a million posts, thoughts, books about making changes in life, home, homeschooling and myself. I take away so much from these wonderful things yet never seem to put them into action. I join groups online just to put the things I learn into action and still I don’t. I’m a serious procrastinator and to be honest, I’m not at all sure how to change that. I want to but I simply don’t know how.
Some would say I’m fairly lazy, yet when I work on something I bust my butt at it so how can I truly be considered lazy? I consider myself organizationally challenged and a bit OCD in some ways. The two don’t work well together at all. Add in the fact I’m a procrastinating Gemini and oh boy, what a MESS!
Still I know there is some way I can overcome all of my personal challenges to have the life, the home and to become the person I truly wish to be. I know with God’s help, with His Love and Guidance I can overcome any issue. I place my faith and hope into His gracious hands daily as I walk this path to find my way in the life He has blessed me with.
I struggle to find my way but I know these are the things I want to be in life: A loving wife, a gracious Mother, an honest and faithful friend, a strong and faithfilled servant to Him. So bettering myself in Christ, in Love, in Knowledge are always goals that I strive daily to reach. I feel I fail at them most days, but I know He guides me through and everyday I become a bit closer to each goal. One day I will meet them and exceed who I wish to become to reach what He wished for me to be all along. Until then I will move forward in life and slowly work at the things I need to work towards and change about me day by day, minute by minute and hopefully I will enjoy every single minute of Lambert Life along the way.
Planning for my Future {Thoughts From Me}
I’m doing a lot of reviewing in my life. I sometimes get a little sidetracked due to Life but I’m trying to stay focused. Often it’s hard to do. I blame it on being a Gemini but I’m sure there are more contributors too.
Somethings I need to change in life are:
1. Going to bed late.
2. Getting up late (due to going to bed late).
3. Eating healthier.
4. Home management aka cleaning house.
5. Educational development.
6. Reading for blog reviews.
7. Researching information for more structured blog posts.
8. Last but NEVER least, reading encouraging Christian things that strengthing my relationship with God. This includes reading my Bible, which I don’t dread nearly as much as I once did.
Next step is figuring out where to start.
At this time I feel a good place is to instill a decent bedtime and wake up time. And also work on reading encouraging things that bring me closer in my relationship with God. I want to be a blessing to the Lord, to do His work, as He intends and to help other’s with His divine guidance.
This week I will work on these things. I will also work on setting out a plan for home management and education, as well as reviews and blog research and posting.
I feel that if I can establish a decent sleep pattern my days will flow better. I also feel that having a strong relationship with God is the most important thing I can do for my children and myself. After managing these things the rest should fall into place. I suppose with time we will see what happens.
God’s Blessings
In my life, I have discovered that often plans fall to the wayside. There are a great many things I’m not good at. There are times in my life that struggles endure. All of this was meant to be.
God gives us creativity as an outlet. An actual, physical way to share the skills gifted to us, to express the joys He provides us. I’m blessed to say He has provided me with many such outlets, though I do not always find time to put them to use.
I can write – great words across pages that express so much and so little at the same time. I paint – beautiful designs onto ceramics and glass and whatever else I can find to place my expressions on. I take photos – of all the beautiful things He provides in my life. I sing – to my beautiful babies daily. And much more, that I’m sure skips my notice every day.
These are small things compared to the greatness of Him. Small things compared to the greatness of many others too. But in everything we are each only a small part of God’s greatest intentions. His master plan.
In all things we should give thanks to God, give thanks for the things He provides us with, He blesses us with. Without his Divine leadership and His great Love, we would have nothing and we would be nothing. I am thankful for this, for the good He allows me to have in my life, for the beauty He allows me to share and for the Love that He alone can give. I am thankful in more ways than I can count or show and more ways than even I know.
How has God blessed you today?
Easter Weekend 2011
We had a great Easter weekend.
My weekend started on Thursday night when the best friend stopped by to spend the night and have me help her with her hair. So we stayed up all night (until 5am Friday morning) taking her braids out and combing out her hair, while we watched tons of great movies on Netflix. It was a fun girls night though it was a lot of work.
Friday, we went to town like normal. We had chinese for dinner and brought it home to watch movies, bake cakes and wait for my Mom to get here. She arrived around midnight and I spent the night talking with her until 4am. It was great to see her and the kids loved knowing she was back home for now.
Saturday we had our Easter gathering with family. The traditional dinner and egg hunt. It went well and all the kids had a great time. I think the Easter visit is their favorite of all the dinners throughout the year.
Sunday we hung out at home and rested. The bunny brought the kids each a little something: a sand pail, bubbles, coloring books, a toy, crayons and candy. They really loved their simple gifts. Late in the afternoon we went to visit family friends. The kids were able to hold the sweetest puppy. They really loved that. Afterwards we went to Walmart just to look around and bought some extra holiday candy, as well as some movies and various other goodies.
Overall, it was a very relaxing weekend for us. We focused on family more than anything. Simply being together. I honestly feel that was just what we needed to feel refreshed for the month ahead.
Hope you all had a Happy Easter too!
Thankful For Much In Life {Thoughts From Me}
Thankful for:
Small smiles in the morning.
Sweet kisses on the top of a brown haired head.
Sweet tiny kisses square on the lips.
Smelly dogs who love you know matter what.
Victoria’s Secret body sprays.
Flowers in bloom.
Singing voices rejoicing with made up songs from the heart.
Unexpected visits.
Challenging the norm.
Boys who love Lego’s.
Girls who love to cook.
Baby dolls and Barbie dolls and match box cars.
Grass underneath my bare toes.
Turtles in the pond.
Squirells in the trees.
That perfect shade of lipstick and nailpolish.
Long flowing skirts and comfy jogging pants.
Snuggling beneath the covers pretending to be “cold”.
Movies that run late.
Lemonade Mouth on DVR.
Easter Eggs.
The Resurrection.
A long talk with God.
Peace in my heart.
Bottles of wasted shampoo as a little girl learns to wash her own hair.
Smiles from knowing they helped and did a good job.
Knocks on my door, followed by “Good Morning Momma”.
“I love you, Mommy”
“Mommy, Mommy, Mommeeeee” a hundred times a day.
Music in my heart.
Warm sun shining down and cool rain wetting my skin.
The color Pink (and Blue, Red, Purple, Yellow, Green).
Abstract drawings done by little hands.
Coloring out of the lines.
Lines scribbled over pages.
Books with worn bindings.
Bibles with Jesus on the cover.
Good food.
Sweet Iced Tea.
Pecan Pie.
Faces covered with chocolate and hands to match.
Bubbles blown into the wind.
Holding little bodies close as we rock for hours.
Sweet babies sleeping safely in their beds.
These are only a few of the many things I am thankful for everyday.