KinderBach {Crew Review}

by Dana
by Dana
Last Friday, I joined the gym. It feels good and just a bit scary to say that. I joined the YMCA last year but failed miserably with it, mostly because the Y is only open during the day and our hours did match with that for fitness. The new gym is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
I didn’t waste time getting started. Saturday night was our first workout and I chose to take it easy. I have a year to workout and I don’t want to strain any muscles, after all I am a busy Momma and Momma’s don’t get days off. Sunday, I felt a little muscle soreness but not too bad so I’m overall satisfied with easing into the workouts.
I must admit that I did overdo it on the ab machine and I’m seriously paying for that. After 4 c-sections, the muscles in that region are pretty damaged. I need to ease in slowly to their repair and I’m not rushing at all. I feel like any little bit to reach that goal of a flatter stomach is good.
So slow and steady wins the race. I aim to lose about 30 lbs. I currently weigh 151lbs and am 5’5 in height so I have room to lose. My first goal is to gain fitness to strengthen my muscles and my next goal will be to make it to a number in the 120’s weight wise. Little steps will get me there.
It will be interesting to see how this all turns out.
Wish us luck!!
by Dana
Tax money came in so now we are remodeling the house. This is going to keep me very busy for a while. I plan to update as I go.
So far we have been moving everything out of the living room area and ripping out the carpet. It’s going pretty well but still have a little work to get done. Thankfully, the subflooring looks great so far. I’m hoping the rest looks as good when we remove the carpet there.
Picking new flooring has been the hardest part of the remodel. We have no clue what we are doing, honestly. I’m hoping we can find a deal and manage to get them done quickly ourselves. I have a feeling it will be more stress than I am wishing for but well worth it once it’s done.
First thing first: I’m going to paint. I’ve picked a great blue toned color for the living room, a teal for my kitchen cabinets and a deep gold for the kitchen walls. These colors should blend well together and look great for our semi open floor plan. I have also decided that since we don’t need as much room for the living room furniture as we do for the classroom stuff, we will be switching the sides these rooms are currently located in. So the living room will go into the back of the room and the classroom/dining area, in the front of the room. This will also allow more light for the kids to do work and such during school time since the front is often brighter than the back of the room.
This remodel has been long awaited and I am so excited to get started. You probably won’t be seeing a lot of me for the next few weeks though, since I will be doing the painting by myself. Good thing I really love to paint, though I’m sure I’ll be tired of it by the time I’m done with all of these projects!
We also have an upcoming trip for the little man in March. He has a in-hospital EEG scheduled right in the middle of all this chaos! Please keep him and us in prayers while we go through testing with him. It’s a lot to manage.
Thanks all and God bless!
by Dana
It’s been a long cold week for us down here in the South. We were hit by one of the worst ice storms I have personally ever seen. Tree limbs are laying all over our road sides, taking out power lines all over the state.
We survived the storm by going next door. There was a large fireplace with gas logs and plenty of room for all of us. We were lucky and only out of power for a little while but the internet has been wonky due to the weather and the power issues throughout the state, making it hard to blog. I was able to stay in touch via my phone but it doesn’t really allow me to blog and share like I would prefer to do.
Hopefully, this will be the last of the ice for a while but we have been told there may be yet another cold front headed this way in the next week or so. Let’s just say I am so so so ready for Spring and so are the kids. They are ready to get outside and play in the yard, bounce on the trampoline and just enjoy themselves.
So this is my current update. I have a lot of reviews to come, and several I need to catch up on. Those are in the process for this week so stay tuned!
by Dana
Our life and our days revolve around our life with Epilepsy. As a child growing up with this disorder, I was never concerned because my Mother protected me. As a parent raising children who have Epilepsy, I am constantly concerned for the health of my beautiful children.
It’s not easy being on either side of this disorder: both as a person with Epilepsy or a parent with Epilepsy. I’m thankful that I have mostly outgrown the effects of this disorder, that my oldest son, who I often forget to mention, doesn’t have Epilepsy, and that my oldest daughter has also outgrown her seizures for the most part. That doesn’t make this life any less challenging to live.
I often find a hard time focusing on the day to day because I’m so overly consumed with waiting on the next seizure. I often forget things because my brain is always on Epilepsy overdrive. My constant worry is that one of my three children will have a seizure that day and that they may not come back out of it. Even though Emma has outgrown her seizures, they could come back at any time with any traumatic event.
This is our life and most days it’s hard for me to talk about in person, so I come here to blog it — I can share, get my thoughts and feelings out without having to be face to face with someone to do that. I am able to talk, really talk and express myself, our ups, downs and fears through our blog. It’s been a real blessing to be able to share our life with others, to show them a small peak into our world and say “Hey, this is where we are, what we are doing and how it’s all going for us”.
Life is a gift no matter how challenging. It’s a gift that cannot be replaced and is so short to live. We must live that life to the absolute fullest and never miss a minute, even while given challenges like living with Epilepsy.
I have to say if my Mom taught me anything while raising me throughout my life as a child with Epilepsy, it is to embrace my life, to allow my children to live their lives to their fullest potential and to let no one hold us back from that. And I do that for my children every single day. I’m thankful for the gift they are in my life and even for this dreadful disorder which fills our days and keeps them busy. I’m thankful for each minute, each second with each of my children as they are also thankful for those seconds with their Mother every day. Life is the real blessing to live.
by Dana
It’s been a rough week so I’m a bit behind on my post for the week. Jackson has had two seizures. Laycie’s also had a mild cold so I ended up having to cancel the boy’s birthday bash for the weekend. I’m planning to make up for it soon.
I’m exhausted simply because of all that’s going on. It’s really taking it’s toll. I have so much to do but my family’s health has trumped anything that I need done.
Luckily, today Laycie’s feeling better but Jackson is still breaking through with his seizures. I did a little shopping today and found Laycie some new boots to keep her feet warm for the winter as she goes back and forth between our home and her Grandma’s next door.
I also found Jackson a new Taggie blanket and also a snuggly Puppy blankie. He loves them both.
I also found him a pair of flip-flops that are just a bit too big. Lately, he’s been wanting to wear everyone’s too big shoes. Great for his play-acting but not so great for a big boy who is just beginning to learn to walk. He loves his new shoes and the fact they are just a bit too big! He’s had so much fun walking in those this afternoon.
I’m short on time and energy so this post is going to be very short. Please say a prayer for our family’s health and for my sweet Jackson to feel better soon. Thanks y’all. Until next time…