Trials Bring Gifts {Thoughts From Me}
A Journey Through Learning {Crew Review}
Overwhelmed and Still Going {Epilepsy Awareness}
Are there times in you life when you just feel totally overwhelmed? This is how I’m feeling nowadays. So much is going on that some days I just want to crawl back into bed because I do not feel that I can keep up.
This year has been FILLED to the brim with appointments. I guess that is to be expected when you have four children and all four of them have separate special needs. Every week it seems another child has another appointment and that makes it seem like we are never home.
Thank goodness we don’t practice formal schooling at home but instead practice relaxed homeschooling. And thank goodness we have good friends who can babysit on a whim when I have a last minute call to head to Charleston where most of our medical needs are met.
Being a Mom is hard. Being a Mom to children who each have a different issue is even harder. And times like this I don’t feel like a Super Mom but I keep going because I know my children need me to. There is no one else who can love them like I do, who can give them things they need like I am able to provide. God knew what he was doing when he chose me as their Mother and he guides me in their care every day. Even when I am exhausted and weary. Even when I’m unsure if I can make another appointment or meet another of their special needs.
I am overwhelmed but I keep going because God leads me to where He needs me to be and I keep following along as long as I can.
Enjoying The Days Together At Home {Homeschooling}
As a homeschooling parent, I spend my days at home with my children. This can be a demanding task but at the same time it’s the most rewarding way to spend every day. My children enjoy their time with me, and at home and I also enjoy that time with them.
We do everything together: read books, watch movies, play games, complete chores, lessons, enjoy nature and on and on. Of course, we also do many things apart: read alone, build towers, ride bikes, nap, etc. The lists on both sides goes on and on.
There are definitely days when we get on each other nerves and there are days when we can not enjoy enough time together. One thing I personally never wish is that my children were enrolled in public school and I can honestly say they tell me they feel the exact same way. We would miss out on so much of each other’s lives if we were not together daily as we are and not one of us wants that.
We greatly enjoy our times together, the memories and the love. The kids love knowing that I have seen their biggest moments, that I was there for them and not a strange person who leads them in class. They enjoy seeing those big moments between each other too. They will never forget the day Laycie learned to roll over, crawl, walk or talk. They will never forget those moments of Jackson’s life either. They don’t take those little things for granted at all.
Even through the ups and downs of life while homeschooling, these are times I would never change. I’m blessed in my life and my children. I am happy and in love with these moments we share and I couldn’t ask for better days than these right now in our lives.
Inspiration… Really?! More like Imperfection {Thoughts From Me}
I’m an inspiration… Really?! Most days I truly don’t feel like it but I know that I am. Especially to the littles in my home daily. And they are here, watching and listening to their Momma every single day.
Most days I do NOT lead by the best example. I’m NOT perfect and I don’t even try to be. I don’t want my children to grow up with a vision of perfection leading their paths, but with the image of their imperfect Momma having shown them the way. I curse too much, I yell, I laugh, I smile, I’m sad, I’m happy. I am ME and they know that, and they are free to be themselves too.
Lately, I’ve been having writers block. Nothing I want to say comes out when it’s time to write. Nothing feels important enough to even talk about. I look at my babies and I see them growing up way to fast before my eyes and I don’t want to miss a moment or waste a moment of the time I could spend with them. Blogging is not what’s important, being a Momma is.
Winston turned 12 in December, Emmalee 10 in February. Jackson turns 7 months in just a few days and Laycie will be 5 on April 11th. Time is going way to fast for me. Some days I feel like I barely have time to breathe.
But I inspire them and I lead them and I try to show them happiness and goodness in their days. Just as I have been shown by my Mother and God before me. I want them to remember the times with their Momma, to have those moments to hold onto when I’m gone to wait on them on the other side. I pray they have good memories of me, good moments to pass on to their own children of their childhood and life, just as I’ve been able to share and pass on to them.
These four are my world. They hold and make up my heart. I’d change nothing in my life, for every moment has lead me to these moments with them. And nothing is a greater blessing than these days we have and live together in my mind.