Homeschooling for us varies throughout the year. Because our schedule is usually crazy with appointments at different times of the day, we have had to learn to adapt things to fit around this. We homeschool year round, which means when the public school kids are at home, we’re usually still having school.
We’re also pretty eclectic educationally which fits right in with the Homeschool Review Crew since we never know ahead which vendors we will be selected to review and which we won’t. We’ve been blessed to be selected for many wonderful items over the years while being a part of the crew and these items have easily been adapted to fit our homeschooling because of our personal style.
We also tend to use materials that allow us to work together as a family instead of individually which can take a ton of time. Things like Apologia for science, unit studies by Amanda Bennett, Apologia for Biblical Studies and Story of the World for history have helped us to have a well-rounded educational experience while allowing us to adapt to the challenges our health issues present.
Unit studies have been a huge blessing because it allows us to often work through subjects of interest instead of following a more formal plan. Many field trips end out our studies to give that hands-on experience my children crave. This is just a fun bonus for all of us.
As you’ve probably guessed, we don’t follow a strict schedule. I feel that learning is most important, not meeting a timeline that my children may not necessarily be ready for. I enjoy watching their little faces when they truly learn something that speaks loudly to their hearts. This is the method we’ve used for years and greatly enjoy following.
This is just a small glimpse into our homeschooling life. We hope you’ve enjoyed it and look forward to sharing more with you! Next up is Homeschooling On The Down Days.
Dana Lambert-Hodge
the Homeschool Review Crew!