Someone Who’s Made My Life Worth Living {30 Days of Truth – Day 7}
Today’s truth: Someone who’s made my life worth living for.
Yet another easy one… my three beautiful children. They are my reason for living. I know God gifted them to me to raise and care for. I’m thankful beyond measure for this gift. Without them, I’m sure I’d have other reasons to live but with them my life is so much better. I barely remember life before them and I certainly would not go back there for anything. Every decision I make, every day I rise, every laugh, smile, and tear comes for them. They truly are my life.
Thankful for Winston {30 Days of Thankfulness – Day 5}
I’m am beyond thankful for my son, Winston. He is such an inspiration to me and a huge help. He rarely complains about anything asked of him and he does most things with a joyful heart.
When he was born, I was so thrilled to be having a baby but I was disappointed because I really wanted a girl. I knew God had his reasons for giving me this sweet little boy but I did not realize those reasons at that time.
My sweet boy and I had two fun, learning years with just me and him together. He was such a joy in those times, always wanting to be with me and always loving me regardless of my lacking parenting skills.
When he was two, his baby sister was born. I remember when I came home from the hospital, Win had to have a bandaid on his tummy so he could be like Mommy with her incision. He was and still is the most adorable boy.
As his sister and he have grown, they have become best friends. They don’t always get along but they always love one another. Their love for one another also inspires me and thrills my heart.
By the time baby sister, Laycie, came along, Winston was a pro at being a Big Brother. He’s been so helpful with her and loves the time he gets to spend with her when he does help take care of her. She loves him and her sister too.
My boy isn’t perfect by any means. He was a whiner for a long time, whining when he was upset or frustrated. He also has ADHD, though I’ve never had it officially diagnosed. We’ve been able to manage this, along with his sisters’ health, with routines, structure and plenty of rest. Homeschooling helps to provide these things for all three of them. He has days where he’s overwhelmed and frustrated with things but he’s always quick to get over the humps life throws at him.
His spirit is warm and loving. He’s very shy and struggles with school due to ADHD but he always tries hard. He does his work and helps out with a smile most of the time.
I know now why God gifted me this sweet little man first. He has shown me love like no one before him. He has encouraged me to be a better Momma. He increases my faith in the Lord above.
I’m thankful for this boy of mine, for all of his love and encouragement. For his strong, yet meek spirit and his faithful love. He’s proof to me that God really does know what he’s doing.