A Week With No Kids: Day One and Two {Thoughts From Me}
In an impromptu effort to encourage family relationships with my children, I have allowed them to travel with their Grandmother to Florida to visit their uncle (my brother) and his family. Anyone that knows me knows that this is totally out of character for me, as I rarely let my kids go anywhere that I am not, much less 2 states away from me. It was a last minute decision that I can honestly say I am pleased has happened though I miss my kids very much – I’m sure they are not-so-much missing Mommy with all the Florida fun and sun though.
It all started last year when Emma asked could they go with Grandma to Florida in which I replied no but she was so sad and so disheartened that it saddened me. So this year when time for the trip came, I first said “no” but at the last minute I changed my mind and told them they could go. I was looking forward to alone time with the kids per my original “no, you aren’t going” but I know they want to see their uncle and cousins who they rarely see due to the distance in living. Needless to say the kids couldn’t be happier!
So the weekend was spent washing up clothing, packing and gathering necessary items to send them on their way. We gassed up the Tahoe and filled it up with loads of things to keep them occupied on the overly long trip. Then early Sunday morning, we sent the four plus Grandma on their merry way. They stopped off and picked up their cousin Megan to go along on their travels too. Grandma gets a week with all seven of her Grandkids at one time! Whoo Hoo!
With the kids gone, that leaves me as a Mommy with no one to parent. You’d think I’d be living it up, enjoying this vacation that so many long for every day. Nope – I miss those four beautiful kids desperately in just the few hours they’ve been gone and have been keeping busy so that I don’t miss them more.
After the kids left yesterday, the Bestie (Tamara) and I all loaded up in Mom’s car since she has my car and went down to the beach for the first time in forever – definitely the first time this year but maybe the first time in 3 years. We sat in the edge of the water and played for several hours like young children would. It was wonderful and so relaxing.
By the time I left the beach, the day was almost over and I felt as though I’d had a relaxing massage from the beating of the waves hitting me as they washed upon the shoreline. Tamara and I also gathered some pretty shells while we were there. The whole day was just what I needed to keep my mind off of the kids being gone.
After the beach, we grabbed some Subway Subs and headed home. The rest of the night we sat around watching TV, catching up on missed episodes of our favorite shows. It was 4:30 in the morning before we finally went to sleep.
Today I woke up around 11. It was nice to sleep in. I immediately ate something and started on laundry. I cleaned up the living room and put all the out of place things away. I headed over to Grandma’s and did the laundry there as well. Just basic housecleaning that needed to get done.
I also had a wonderful surprise. The books I had ordered from my dear homeschooling friend Carole, had been delivered! The overstuffed large box was waiting for me on the porch. It was filled with books on animals, great readers, science educational stuff and more. Carole’s books are always the best! I can’t wait for the kids to return and find so many new, interesting things to read!
It’s now 7:30 in the afternoon. For the rest of the night, I will be working on pictures that I have been putting off. Tomorrow brings a new day and I will be working on more things around the house. You’d think this was a vacation from the kids but really it’s just catching up on all the things I am not able to get done when they are home with me. Lots of work that needs done while they are off having fun.
Flourish: Balance for Homeschool Moms {Crew Review}
If you are a Mom who is struggling to find balance in life, then this is a must read for you. If you are a Homeschooler who is looking for encouragement, this is definitely a book for you. If you need a welcoming reminder that being a homeschooling Mom is where you should be, then, yes this book is for you too!
HomeSchoolPiano {Schoolhouse Review}
Meet The Harbeson’s {Lambert Life Photography}
Balancing Life {Epilepsy Awareness}
It has been a year since Jackson’s battle with Severe Involuntary Breath Holder Spells with Epilepsy began. Time has passed quickly, yet there are days when I still feel suspended in time. This year has been hard on our family but we are still moving forward.
It’s hard for me to believe that a year has passed since this journey began for us. I can tell you that each time you find out your child has some disorder, it sucker punches you deep in the gut. Having multiple children with health issues doesn’t make it easier and you genuinely hope with each child that they will be healthy and “normal” like children should be.
We are finally at a point in our lives where we are able to breath again and are finding balance. Jackson’s last medicine increase has his breath holding spells controlled for the most part and seizures have decreased with the decrease of IBHS episodes. I could not be more thankful for this reprieve no matter how short it may be.
When you have children with disabling health issues, it becomes hard to function and plan your day to day activities because you do not know what to expect or even how to plan since you cannot guess when a seizure or spell will happen to them. Events get cancelled, schoolwork is put off, living becomes second to surviving. This has been our life for the last year.
At this stage, I’ve learned that seasons are short and each quiet period must be packed with catching up on the things we’ve had to put off. Housekeeping is done in these time periods, restoring balance to the home so that we are ready for the next unsteady path. Schoolwork is also done during these times so that when needed breaks come we do not fall behind. Life and living come first for a while and surviving does become second even for a brief time.
After living this year surviving, we are ready to live life again and move forward, hoping the days remain balanced and settled for a while. Whatever happens, I will take what I can get and enjoy these moments while we have them for they are gone all too quickly.