Christianity Cove brings Jesus to life for children all over the world. Their unique Sunday School curriculum can be found in many Sunday and Christian School classrooms. They strive to make Jesus real, not just a person children read about in books, but someone they can personally know in their lives.
Christianity Cove offers many products that can be used with children in many age groups. The Schoolhouse Review Crew was offered our choice of two of these products to review in our homes. I personally chose to use their Bible Science Experiments and their Make and Take Bible Craft curriculum with my children ages 5, 10 and 12.
Bible Science Experiments provides lesson plans for 25 different and unique science experiments that show the glory of nature through God’s vision. Experiments ranging from optical illusions, shadows, using a color wheel, harnessing the power of air, and much more are provided in this Bible Science Experiments downloadable PDF.
This curriculum begins by telling the reader that every child is a natural scientist. Children are provided fun, hands-on experiments to complete that show the world through God’s creation. Lessons are backed up with scripture related to the experiment being completed. Every lesson has a different verse to accompany it.
Lessons also begin with a list of necessary materials. The steps to complete the experiment are listed next, followed by an answer to the experiment questions. An explanation of the experiment from the scientific viewpoint is also provided. The last section for every experiment is the Understanding God section which provides reasons for God’s plan in nature. This is repeated for each of the 25 Bible Science Experiments.
We randomly did experiments throughout this PDF throughout our review period. My children enjoyed the process of following the provided steps, listening to the answers and explanations for each. Most of all they enjoyed having these experiments related to bible verse and God’s intentions for these instances in nature.
For extra work, I printed the verses as copywork for the kids to remember. We looked up videos of other experiments like these to see if our results were the same or different. We also did research online about different aspects of many of these experiments.
The experiments use many things that can be found already in the home so there isn’t a lot of extra cost to complete them. They are easily implemented and don’t take a lot of time to complete. They can be used with school-age children from Kindergarten through High School. Children in younger grades should be accompanied by an adult before attempting any experiment.
We also worked through the Make and Take Bible Crafts curriculum from Christianity Cove. I pulled several of these crafts to work on throughout the weeks of our review. There are 47 crafts provided in the Make and Take Bible Crafts PDF. They each take approximately 20 minutes to complete and are appropriate for young children. All three of my school age children enjoyed the projects though.
Make and Take Bible Crafts provide fun and simple crafts to complete for the basic stories of the bible like Noah’s Ark, Moses at the Burning Bush, Jonah and the Whale and much more. There are 20 specific crafts that go with the story of the life of Jesus. There are also 7 crafts that reinforce the basic christian values. A table of contents share the craft’s for each important biblical story and what page to find it on.
Lessons begin much the same as the Bible Science Experiments PDF does, with a list of materials needed provided. These are common items that can be found around the home or can be easily obtained at low cost. They are needed to complete the project for each lesson and differ per lesson.
The next section provides scripture related to the lesson. The full text is provided so that the teacher and student don’t have to locate the story within the bible. This makes the lesson easy to complete and keeps the information in one place. A short explanation for preparation of the project is provided next, followed by the instructions to complete the project to be completed.
These lessons were quick and easy to complete. The kids really enjoyed them and the lessons learned. My older children new many of the bible stories but had not done some of the projects provided in the Make and Take Bible Crafts PDF. My 5 year old greatly enjoyed hearing the stories and completing the projects. Noah’s Ark and the Fruits of the Spirit Charm bracelet were two of her favorites.
My favorite was the Sermon on the Mount “Blessed Are” Wreath. We used the handprints of all the kids to create this project so that we could use it to view the Beatitudes together. We have this hanging in our classroom area to keep them where we can view them often.
We greatly enjoyed reviewing both of these products from Christianity Cove. I recommend them for using in a Sunday School classroom or a Christian Homeschool or even just for extra bible lessons at home. They provide a fun way to learn more about the Bible.
Bible Science Experiments is available as a PDF download for $25. Make and Take Bible Crafts is also available as a PDF download for $29. There are lots and lots of other products to choose from at Christianity Cove so be sure to take a look around while there!