Christianity Cove {Crew Review}

by Dana
by Dana
The Christian Kids Explore Science series teaches science from a biblical viewpoint. Most science texts educate from a secular standard, teaching evolution as it’s main focus but not Christian Kids Explore Science. This science text teaches from God’s viewpoint, showing his hand in everything we see and touch and giving solid evidence to dispel secular myth in science.
Christian Kids Explore Biology touches on many different biological topics from plants to animals, cells to anatomy. Each lesson topic is supported by a easy but intensive hands on project. Each chapter begins with topical information, building solid structure for the subject at hand. A list of vocabulary words and materials needed for the chapter is also provided at the beginning of each chapter section. Also available throughout the book are various coloring pages for your children to enjoy while you cover reading about the subject or simply to include the little ones while you work through the book. There are a series of questions on the subject matter provided per lesson and a review section at the end of every chapter. Maps, resource materials, coloring pages, biblical verse cards, bonus activities and much more are also provided for copying in the appendixes at the end of the book. A bonus CD is also available providing these materials and more in an easily printable form for use with the book.
Christian Kids Explore Biology is published by Bright Ideas Press for $34.95. The bonus materials disk is also available for $12.95. Both can be purchased online at Bright Ideas Press or through an appropriate retailer. To read more reviews of this curriculum and the other books in this series, please visit The Old Schoolhouse’s Homeschool Review Crew blog.
*Disclaimer – this product and it’s accompanying material download was provided by Bright Ideas Press and the TOS Homeschool Review Crew blog for free in exchange for my honest opinion of the product provided in a post on my blog. No money was exchanged in the process of reviewing this product.