Did you guys know that Greek ‘N’ Stuff carries more than just Greek products to learn with? Have you been in search of a great bible study to use with your children at home? Look no further! I Can Study Jonah & Ruth Alone With God Bible Study in the NIV version by Karen Mohs is amazing!
Honestly y’all, I did not realize just how great this 13 week Bible study was going to be for me and my family. The study is designed to be used by one student but at $8.95 it’s more than affordable to purchase as many as you need in your home or homeschool. It’s really good stuff, y’all.
The front of the book has a short parent guide included which prepares you for using this study with your student at home. It’s short and simple but covers all you need to know in 100 words or less. This study is really easy to put to use and learn with.
Lessons 1-5 cover the story of Jonah which worked well for us since we were using another curriculum that also covered Jonah’s story to teach diligence in our home and life. My kids are very familiar with Jonah’s story. You can’t pass up a story of a big fish when you live with a bunch of fishermen and fish lovers!
This study goes more into depth than your usual stories though. Each lesson breaks the verses down for each day. You begin with prayer. Then you read the verse that you are learning for that day. There are lots of particular questions that are asked to really get to the heart of the verse your covering. There’s even an explanation as to why we should do daily devotions. At the end of the week, there’s a box called “Think and Pray About It”. This helps to enforce what you’ve been learning all week before moving forward to learn more.
This study covers Jonah in the first five lessons and Ruth in the last lessons. It takes you slowly through the lessons really allowing you to dissect and learn what the verses mean. This is also a great way to learn to study the Bible on your own, showing you how to ask questions to deduct meaning and relating the verse to it’s true meaning. What you learn through this study can be used with so many other things as well.
This Bible Study is meant to be used by one student but we used it for our family by simply using it as a discussion guide together. We prayed together. We read the verse together – I wrote the verse on our dry erase board each day along with the questions. I then allowed the kids to answer the Bible Study questions together. They then wrote the Verse, the questions and their answers out for copywork. This was a great way to learn the Bible together as a family and to build skills needed for learning more about the Bible. For my 4 year old, I printed coloring pages for him to do on Jonah and Ruth as we worked. Fishie Boy loves Jonah.
You can find I Can Study Jonah & Ruth Alone With God Bible Study in NIV and in KJV from Greek ‘N’ Stuff for $8.95. There is a sample page available on the website as well. There are many other Bible Studies also available along with many other amazing products for your homeschool.
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