We are HUGE fans of Doorposts in our home. We have so many of their wonderful products and have used them for years. We enjoy using Doorposts in homeschooling and child training.
Our library contains Polished Cornerstones for girls and Plants Grown Up for boys, Raising Real Men and Mighty Acts of God among other titles. We use the If-Then chart in our home discipline and find it helpful in maintaining character and order in our home. All of these things work together to help our children learn to be better young men and young women.
So when the Doorposts Vendor came up for the Schoolhouse Review crew this year, you can imagine my excitement. This is Doorposts very first time using the Schoolhouse crew as a review team and they offered us our choice of two of their wonderful products: Beauty in the Heart and Because You Are Strong.
For my review, I chose Beauty in the Heart. I chose this study for several reasons. One it’s designed to be used with girls who are ages 10 and up. My daughter is 10 and a half and has a hard to reach heart so I am always looking for things to soften it while teaching her about the Bible. Reason Two is that this study can also be used with boys, making it appeal to me to use along with my 12 year old son.
Now you are probably asking how in the world a boy can benefit from a study called Beauty in the Heart that is designed for young girls and I am going to explain that now. Throughout this book are marked questions that are designed for young men who are following along in the study to answer. Following along in the study allows young men to better understand young women and encourage them to grow in the Beauty of God’s design for them. It also helps them learn the differences between true and false beauty in their own personal relationships and when looking forward to marriage.
Now to get to the good stuff: Beauty in the Heart is a Study of Godly Beauty for Young Women written by the wonderful Pam Forster. Pam, John and the rest of the Forster family create the wonderful custom curriculum provided at Doorposts. Through this study, women will learn what it is to be beautiful God’s way.
Not only will you learn about beauty through this study though, you or your student will also learn how to better study the Bible. They will learn to compare passages, observe words repeated throughout the Bible, outline the passage contents, and gather all of the words of the Scripture on a topic. These are only a few things that Beauty in the Heart helps teach a student who is following along with this curriculum.
The book itself contains nine studies to be completed. Each study contains a short review at the end. The studies are broken down into daily assignments. These assignments can take anywhere from five to twenty or more minutes to complete. There are 86 days worth of Bible study equaling to approximately 17 weeks of lessons at 5 studies a week. More than one assignment a day can be completed in order to finish faster or you can break lessons down so that the program takes longer to complete as needed. Additional study ideas are included at the end of each study so that the study can be extended for up to a year if so chosen.
It is recommended that you have a Nave’s Topical Bible and a Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance to use along with this program. It is also recommended that you have a Bible that you can mark words and verses in. You will need colored pencils or highlighters for this part of studying too. This study uses the King James translation of the Bible because it is easily accessible for most families.
The studies follow different books of the Bible. The first and second studies begin in 1 Peter. The third study moves into the story of Sarah. From there we move on to Esther. 1 Timothy, Proverbs, 1 Samuel and the story of Ruth also follow these in the study.
Each study begins with a small intro followed by reading and copying the verse into the study guide or a notebook if you so choose. Then the study furthers with specific study suggestions to help expand on how to study the Bible. As the student works through they learn to reference and cross reference from different sources, expanding and learning how to study their Bible better in the process.
We used this study as a group study. I allowed my son to follow along with both of my daughters as we read through the study, and the Bible. I enjoyed learning about God’s plan and design for Beauty in us through the study and I believe, like our other Doorposts materials, this study touched my daughter’s heart. I will continue to use this study with all three of my older children in the future.
Beauty in the Heart is 128 pages long. It’s available in softcover paperback for $14.00. This study is for Girls ages 10 and up, women included. There is also a study for boys’ called Because You Are Strong which sells for $12.00 at time of this post. It is also softcover paperback.
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