Democrat or Republican: You decide who you choose to play as in The Presidential Game: The Most Powerful Game in the World! In this fun board game, students learn how voting actually works. They must work to prove they are the best candidate for the country and earn their votes.
Through either campaigning or fundraising in each state, the team who reaches at least 270 out of 538 Electoral votes wins the game! The Republican team is represented by Red, while the Democrats are represented in Blue. Each team is given 150 chips each and 3 die for gameplay. The team must roll the die to be able to choose whether they campaign or fundraise and in which states they will run! The goal is to earn as many votes for that state as possible so that the team can claim the state at and it’s votes at the end of the game.
The Presidential Game was created to help students better understand the voting process for electing our largest government official, the American President. The game’s board is made up of a map of the United States on a dark blue background. President Washington’s face graces the states that have the largest amount of Electoral votes available. The gameboard opens to a large surface but folds down for convenient storage into a quarter of the unfolded size. There are also tally cards inside the box, to help keep up with the game’s score or you can keep up with the score online using the included access to the online WebMap. The WebMap is simply a fun addition to add to the gameplay.
We played this game a few times and it was interesting to try out. The kids had never considered the election process before, so it was something I had to explain to them before we began to play. They caught on quick, each taking opposite sides. Emma the democrat and Winston the Republican. Republicans won many of the rounds we played. The game itself can vary in time. It usually took us around an hour to play. I now catch the kids playing this game, just for fun to see who will win!
The Presidential Game: The Most Powerful Game in the World is available for purchase for $35.00, plus shipping. It is designed to be used with students ages 11 and up but my 10 year old was able to play it very well.
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