Fascinating Education is a wonderful, science-based online curriculum that helps making learning upper Science fun. Fascinating Education provides a full program for Fascinating Chemistry, Fascinating Biology and Fascinating Physics. For this review, we were given full access to their Fascinating Biology course online.
This course costs $79 a year per student. There are 19 lessons and it includes quizzes and test scripts to help gauge how well your student is learning throughout the coursework. This program is also mobile friendly, meaning you can use it with a cell phone or tablet, if necessary.
You can also combine course packages. Pick 2 courses for $125 or all three courses for $175 per year. This is an exceptional value. These courses are designed to be used with students who are middle to high school aged or adult, depending upon the course and the abilities of your student.
The program itself is video-based and extremely easy to use. It is great for those students who struggle with learning science. The videos are simple and extremely explanatory. This also makes teaching the program easier for you as a homeschooling parent and takes a lot of the work out of educating, giving Mom or Dad a break.
This program is great for the independent learner as well. Your student can go at a pace set for themselves, allowing them to learn as quickly or as slowly as they need to. This also allows for them to watch the videos again and again until they have a sure understanding of the lesson. Such a great thing for any struggling learner.
I was personally extremely impressed with this program. Fascinating Biology was simple to use but thorough in lessons. Once you register for your program and you log in, you will see the lessons immediately. As I mentioned above, there are 19 lessons in Fascinating Biology, each covering a different topic on the subject. You see the lesson listed as Lesson 1: What is Life, Lesson 2: Chemistry Review, Lesson 3: The Cell Membrane and so on.
Under each lesson are icons to click to get to the lessons themselves. These are Lesson, Script, and Test. Each is self-explanatory. Lesson is the lesson itself. Clicking on this will open another webpage which contains the lesson at hand. The video begins and there-in so does the lesson.
There is a side tab that lists the slides in the video to make reviewing the lesson easier. There is also a tab for a glossary which gives the meaning of many words that may be new to your students. Clicking on these words will show you exactly what they mean.
The Script button takes you to the book work for the lesson. This is a PDF file which can be saved or printed as needed. It explains the lesson and what you are learning each time.
The Test button also leads you to another page. This is the lesson review. It is multiple choice and the student should easily be able to complete and answer each lesson test to show how they are learning.
This is an excellent program that we really have enjoyed using. I look forward to having my children learn through other Fascinating Education courses in the future. We also look forward to finishing our work in our current course through this year.
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