Reading Kingdom {Crew Review}

by Dana
by Dana
Winston’s preferred method of learning is digital through video games and websites online, videos and lots of hands-on activities to bring things to life. He struggles with reading simply because books are boring to him. Reading Kingdom has changed all that simply by making reading fun!!
Reading Kingdom helps promote reading skills and build reading strengths by using reading games, online incentives, and progressing at a child’s skill level. Reading Kingdom teaches important skills such as sequencing, sounds, meaning, comprehension and more with it’s program. It is super easy to use. My son was able to work through the program on his own with sound cues throughout the program prompting him to move forward in his learning. Nothing was over his head in terms of learning either, all adapted to his skills through assessment in the beginning of the program. Lessons are a short 15-30 minutes each, allowing a child time to adjust to things he’s just learned about.
Reading Kingdom is definitely a program we will be sharing throughout the future. It’s perfect for leveled readers as well as struggling ones like mine. It captivates the child and keeps them interested in learning to read in a fun way. My son absolutely loved the program which says a lot to me since it’s so hard for us to find a program that keeps him interested and fits his learning style.
Reading Kingdom is available risk-free for free for 30 days. A subscription is available for $19.99 a month or $199.99 a year for the first reader and additional readers can be added $9.99 a month or $99.99 a year. Additional products are also available through the website for learning to read.
For more reviews of Reading Kingdom, please visit the Schoolhouse Review Crew blog!!
*Disclaimer – This product was provided to me free for a blog post review by Reading Kingdom and the Schoolhouse Review Crew.