Heroines of the Past Bible Study by Amy Puetz is one of the best studies I have come across. This study was created to be used with young girls to teach them more about many great Proverbs 31 women. The stories inside help bring the Biblical aspects of Proverbs 31 women to life for young girls, teaching them along the way and helping to promote in them the goal of achieving the life of a Proverbs 31 woman for themselves.

Heroines of the Past Bible Study covers great women like Lady Jane Grey, who was queen for nine days, Magdalena Luther and her Mother Katherine von Bora Luther, wife and daughter of Martin Luther, the famous nurse, Florence Nightingale, and many more. Each woman has her own story of strength and survival through trials that were placed into her path. Each show Grace and loyalty to God throughout their personal missions, helping girls to understand their own purpose and mission in life.
Heroines of the Past Bible Study can be used in a group, such as a church study group or homeschooling group, or it can be used individually by an independent learner or along with Mom to strengthen the Mother/Daughter relationship. The book is sectioned into weekly lessons, sharing a different story or story part throughout a 5 day week. Some weeks cover more than one brave girl while others take more time to cover one particular girl. Each day ends with a review of the story portion read, asking questions for thoughts to be shared, discussing biblical verses related to the story and helping the student break the thoughts from the story down and relate them into her own daily life.
There are suggestions for lesson extras throughout the book such as the Box of Visual Reminders which a young girl can create using just a shoe box. The student will gather the suggested item and as they work through the book they will review the items in the box remembering the lesson and story that went along with that item, allowing them to also remember how God worked in that persons life as well as his wishes for us as Christian women ourselves.
This was such an amazing and fun study to use. Since the stories were broken down so they weren’t complicated to use or long to learn, it made learning from them fun too. They were stories that my daughter could relate to and have helped her to understand God’s wants for her, and give her strength as a blossoming young woman. This book has helped to strengthen my little girls love for God.
Heroines of the Past Bible Study by Amy Puetz is available through Golden Prairie Press as an eBook for $27 and it is well worth the investment. If you’d like, a print copy is also available from Golden Prairie Press for $27 plus shipping.
For more reviews of Heroines of the Past and other Golden Prairie Press books, please visit the Schoolhouse Review Crew blog!!
*Disclaimer – This ebook download was given to me free for review from Golden Prairie Press and the Schoolhouse Review Crew in exchange for my honest opinion shared in a blog review post.