When Fascinating Education came up on the Homeschool Review Crew VIF list, I wasn’t sure it was one I wanted to do. But Emmalee had just mentioned that she’d like to learn Biology for her coursework with school, so it was sort of perfect timing. We were chosen to review Fascinating Biology and I can say she really likes this program.
About the Company’s Products:
Fascinating Education is an online website which provides online courses for Science education. The website offers educational programs for Chemistry, Biology, Physics and even a course for Medicine (I look forward to using this one with Laycie). These aren’t your average textbook studies either. The programs are written in plain English, easy to understand by all and the lessons are kept relatively short so that students don’t lose interest in what they are learning about.
The courses cover the standard topics that most high school courses cover. This was great for us, as I can count this as a high school education program towards her achievements for her diploma. This was one of her goals for the school term this year.
About the Course:
Fascinating Biology covers the world of Biology. Biology is defined as the study of living organisms or life. Through Biology we are taught how organism exist, work, live, and so much more.
Fascinating Biology follows the average course outline for Biology. It begins with creation of life, breaking it down and showing you how to recognize living things. Then you move into learning about Molecules and their purpose, as well as how they work. Next students learn about cell structure and how that works, followed by how nutrients are processed.
There is a long section on Energy and how it works in various ways. Then we learn to grow and reproduce, then later to adapt. Students learn about animals and fungi and finally plants before the courses end.
More About The Course:
The course opens with all the modules provided on the webpage. There are 18 complete lessons in all, with review and mild testing included in the coursework. There is Lesson, a Script and a Test for each lesson module. The scripts are PDF form so that they are easily printed and viewed by your student. They are fully imaged and provide thorough information on the particular lesson you are learning about.
Clicking on the lesson image or the word lesson below the image, brings up the video created for the specific part of the course that you’re working on. These videos are information packed and easy to follow. They are a great asset to learn from.
Finally, the tests. The tests are interactive and easy to complete. They review the information covered in the course and ensure the student is staying on track in their lessons.
How We Used It:
So this review was chosen for Emmalee, who is 14, very scientific and interested in any and everything she can learn about people, places, plants and animals. As I mentioned already, she specifically requested a Biology course for this year and well this one popped up just in time.
Along with this review, we were also given access to a mini-course in Chemistry which covered basics Emma needed to know before beginning this Biology course. She completed this fairly quickly and was able to dive on into Biology.
She really enjoyed learning with the videos and she didn’t mind the tests, as Emma is a person who enjoys seeing solid evidence that she’s learning and testing provides that for her. It’s a challenge for her.
Emma is still working on this course. We’ve had a lot of bad weather which makes our internet sketchy so she’s had to take more time than we would have liked but she was also able to work at a slower pace, work around the internet issues and not be behind in the course work since it is a self-paced program. That’s something that was particularly nice overall.
Where Can You Buy Fascinating Biology:
You can find Fascinating Biology on the Fascinating Education Website. The courses are all online.
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