Heirloom Audio Productions provided the Schoolhouse Review Crew with the opportunity to review their 2-disc set of Under Drake’s Flag: The Extraordinary Adventures of G.A. Henty. This wonderful Audio Theater set is not one to be missed and is great for everyone 6 to adult. My younger children also enjoyed listening along to the story.
Under Drake’s Flag takes us on an adventure with Ned Hawkshaw and his good friend Gerald. These two journey alongside the pirate, Sir Francis Drake as he sails the seas and teaches them history and Biblical lessons they will never forget. In Under Drakes Flag, these young men learn to have a faith like no other, even in the face of danger.
Under Drake’s Flag is approximately 2 hours in length and jam packed with action during the whole listening experience. The audio effects are amazing and will capture your attention from the very beginning. Brian Blessed plays the voice of “George” G.A. Henty, Jonny Scott is Ned, Danny Philpott plays Gerald and Francis Drake is played by Ian Cullen, not to mention many more actors and actresses who pull this great drama together for our listening pleasure.
My children really enjoyed Under Drake’s Flag. We enjoyed the fact that this story brings to the forefront one of our favorite aspects of the sea, Pirates, all while capturing historical events, facts and also teaching us Biblical lessons like character, morals and so very much more. This two disc set provided a solid and enchanting way of learning about these things all in one place.
Along with the CD set, came a study guide, both with the discs and a long guide via PDF file. Either or both of these guides can be used to expand the lessons in Under Drake’s Flag. It simply depends on the needs of your family as to how you use them. A brief study on Pirates or expansion of the Biblical lessons provided in the story would also be great to go along with this program.
The study guides ask questions that really get listeners thinking about the lessons of Under Drake’s Flag. It gets them pondering how the characters felt, what they thought, how they got through each part of the adventure and faced things they never thought they would. There are also defining words shared that help build vocabulary expansion. These can be defined and discussed then used for copywork, vocabulary and so much more. There is so much you can use these guides for in expanding this program to fit your educational needs.
Another great little thing that was provided with this program was a copy of The Prayer of Sir Francis Drake from 1577. This was awesome to read and see included in the set. Such great words and a reminder that we should all pray daily.
Under Drake’s Flag from Heirloom Audio Productions was so much better than I truly expected. This audio theater drama will be added into our collection and listened to for many years to come on trips and at home. I look forward to listening to more audio dramas from Heirloom Audio Productions in the future.
Under Drake’s Flag is available for purchase for $29.95 for the 2-disc set that I received. You can also purchase a digital MP3 download of this set for $20 if you’d prefer.
You can find Heirloom Audio Productions on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/UnderDrakesFlag.
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