Purposeful Planningby Phyllis Sather
I’m not a planner by any means. I’m generally a fly-by-my-pants type of girl, who doesn’t do a lot of work ahead prep. I generally do my planning that month of the event and hope to get it all done by the day the event happens. I’ve been like this my entire life.
When I’ve thought of planning in the past, I’ve often wished for a weekend away where I could focus on what I needed to and really dig in and plan whatever we needed to at the time. I’ve had this vision of that in my head for many years but no idea of where to begin. Purposeful Planning by Phyllis Sather was a great help with that. Honestly, this eBook was just what I was looking for.
I loved this eBook so much that I actually purchased the Purposeful Planning Handbook to go along with it. I wanted the extra handbook to really focus in on what I was needing help to plan for in our lives. It is such a wonderful addition to the eBook itself.
Purposeful Planning isn’t a planner at all. It is an encouraging eBook that guides you into better planning for your family. It focuses on just what the title states: Purposeful Planning which means to plan for your future with a purpose.
Phyllis and her husband began to purposefully plan their lives together many years ago, including their children in those plans as they grew and developed them. They’d plan a weekend, which eventually led to a week, of just planning and being together as a family. They used this time (and still use it from my understanding) to plan for their family’s future. They set goals together for each individual in the family, as well as for the family as a whole. Goals to develop character, financial goals, family unity goals, church goals: whatever goals they needed were set at this time, and even some they didn’t know they needed at that time.
Each year, they’d reflect on their past goals and set new ones. They’d add to previous goals or develop a plan for new ones as they saw fit. Planning led them to meet the goals they wished to complete for their lives and for the lives of their children.
I was so completely impressed by the simple, yet encouraging ideals shared throughout Purposeful Planning. As I mentioned above, I purchased the Purposeful Planning Handbook and immediately began going through it. I set aside a weekend with my husband and we began to discuss some of the topics suggested in the eBook and handbook alike. It’s a work in progress but it was definitely a start. It’s my hope in the next month or two to plan for another weekend where we can complete our discussion and add to it as we see fit, using the Purposeful Planning system as a guide.
Purposeful Planning touches on everything: home life, children, finances, character development and much more. It helps you to find focus for your family and get a better vision of where you’d like to be in life. It’s designed to be used by an adult but shows ways to include your children so they also learn how to develop better planning skills for their own futures. The methods are simple, yet you gain so much.
You can purchase Purposeful Planning as a bundle package which includes the eBook, the Handbook and the MP3 for $17.95 as an instant download. You can also purchase each of these items separately. Purposeful Planning is also available on Kindle for $3.99.
You can find Phyllis Sather online at https://phyllis-sather.com/.