One of our long time favorites around the Lambert House are radio dramas. We love how these fun little adventures come to life through something as simple as listening along to a CD. We were not disappointed with The Brinkman Adventures.
The Brinkman Adventures Season 2: Episodes 13-24 pickup where Season 1 left off. Now I must admit, I have never heard Season 1 so I don’t know anything about what I’m missing on those wonderful CD’s but I hear great things about it. In fact, after hearing the great stories from Season 2, I am seriously thinking about investing in Season 1.
The Brinkman Adventures Season 2: Episodes 13-24 is a 4-disc set. Each disc contains 3 separate episodes. Each of those episodes are jam-packed full of excitement straight from the Brinkman’s adventures.
The Brinkman’s stories are based on real-life experiences. Through The Brinkman Adventure’s website you can read specifically about each of these real life adventures and learn how they each became part of this wonderful radio drama series. Every episode, every experience shared on the CD’s can be found on the website.
We used the website to help build upon the wonderful stories and lessons we learned by listening to this wonderful set of CD’s. Each of the Season’s Episodes that are shared online tell the story behind the story on the respective CD and Episode. Each episode is about something different but like a book, each episode flows into the one before bringing the Brinkman’s story to life.
We learned so very much from each of these website links about the episodes which we listened to. It was great to be able to relate the stories we were hearing about Gold, lost objects, places like Mexico to the real life adventures that this family had lived through. The videos about the animals and places also helped my children to better understand the things they were hearing about on the CD’s making such an impact on them educationally and mentally. What they have learned through The Brinkman Adventures will stick with them for many years to come.
Each of The Brinkman Adventures episodes differ in length, but the entire CD collection contains over 5 hours of entertainment for your family to listen to. These stories have been created to be listened to by children and adults of all ages, to share in the radio dramas together as a family and help encourage that strong family bond with enjoyable Christian content that leaves you wanting to hear more.
We really enjoyed listening to these CD’s. Each of my children found the stories and sounds intriguing to listen to. Even Grandma enjoyed the funny antics and even the serious moments shared by the Brinkman’s stories. We each found different lessons from hearing how they helped others in so many exciting ways.
We received the physical CD’s of The Brinkman Adventures Season 2: Episodes 13 – 24 for this review. This 4 CD set for all ages, can be purchased for $25. You can also purchase The Brinkman Adventures Season 2: Episodes 13-24 as an MP3 album for $17, if you’d rather go that route. Either way, you are going to love these stories just as much as our family has!
You can also find The Brinkman Adventures in the following place online:
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