The first time I saw a Learning Wrap-Ups product was several years ago when we began homeschooling. Our local homeschool used-bookstore had a multiplication set for sale. A few months later, I was offered a set of Learning Palette’s as well at a homeschool used-booksale. I admit, I turned both of these products down at the time due to lack of extra funds for them but I never forgot the products or how fun they appeared to be.
So when this review became available, I was thrilled. I had regretted passing up those two products many years before and wished several times over the years that I had made the investments because I had heard such good things about the Learning Wrap-Ups company. As you’ve probably guessed, because of that I jumped at reviewing Learning Wrap-Ups and we received the following products for this review:
- Kindergarten Math Learning Palette 1 Base Center Kit – $61.99
- Kindergarten Reading 1 Base Center Kit – $61.99
- Learning Wrap-Up Math Intro Kit w/o CD’s – $44.99
- Learning Wrap-Up Vocabulary Intro Kit – $35.99
- 10 Days to Multiplication Mastery Wrap-Up and Book combo – $12.99
- 10 Steps to Addition Mastery Wrap-Up and Book combo – $12.99
- Online Subscription – $59.99 for 5 users: use discount code HOMESCHOOL for a 20% discount!
I also have to say, that even though I knew this product was amazing, and even though I knew we’d be receiving a package full of fun things to do, I never expected to be gifted so much through this review. This has truly been a blessing for our homeschooling and our home alike. We’ve greatly enjoyed using Learning Wrap-Ups over the past few weeks and there has been something for everyone from this one box filled with goodies!
For the review, I was able to select which products I wanted. I chose the items that I listed above because I felt they best fit our families’ needs. Laycie is in Kindergarten right now and the Learning Palettes were a great way to introduce concepts for her age level without being overwhelming and still keeping it fun. The Wrap-Ups were perfect for my older children as well, some for review and some for new learning activities during our day to day lessons.
The Kindergarten Math Learning Palette 1 Base Center Kit comes in it’s own plastic carrier so that all the products within stay contained easily in one place. Inside the bag is a Learning Palette board with different colored plastic circle disks which are used for self-correction as you use the Learning Palette. There are also five different boxes inside, each containing 12 cards with 12 challenges to complete for learning about various math skills. The topics cover Matching and Early Numbers, Numbers, Coins and Fractions, Intro to Algebra, Intro to Geometry and Measurement, and Intro to Data.
There are a total of 60 curriculum cards with a total of 720 questions in all. Each of these cards meet the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards. They are also Common Core and State Standard correlated.
As mentioned above, these tasks are self-correcting. With help, children read through the card and make their answer by choosing a disk color that coincides to the correct answer. Once all the disks are in place on the Learning Palette, the student turns the card over to see if they were right or not by checking if the colors match up. This can be repeated again and again as needed. As we answered questions, we would read through the wrong answers to see why they were not right and what the correct answer was. It was a very easy process for us to work through.
The Kindergarten Reading 1 Base Center Kit is the same as the math but instead it covers Reading as a subject. The same self-correcting method with colored disks is used. The subjects covered with this Learning Palette are Alphabet, Beginning Consonants, Rhyming Words, Beginning Vocabulary, and Vowels. There are also 60 cards with 720 questions covering Reading in this set of the Learning Palette. Other grade levels are also available for these kits.
Laycie absolutely loved the Learning Palette kits and could not wait to use them every day. Even today she asks to use them repeatedly and hasn’t tired of learning with them. I allowed her to do a few a day, helping her as needed and showing her the corrections when she was done. She is able to open her Palette cover, put in a card and answer the questions mostly on her own, then put it all away when finished. Very little help is now needed by me for her to do this. It’s been great to give her a bit of educational freedom as well.
Our Learning Wrap-Up kits are pretty awesome as well. Both Laycie and her older siblings have enjoyed these. Some have been great review, while others have been great learning for them.
The Learning Wrap-Up Math Intro Kit didn’t come with CD’s but we are totally ok with that because it was just as great without them. It does come with a Wrap-Up for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, and Fractions. Each Wrap-Up is a different color and they are super easy to use.
Wrap-Ups are plastic and have numbers on the front with a start arrow to let you know where to begin. They have a string attached and when you use them you start the string at that arrow. Then you wrap the answers you are working with, wrapping the string around the Wrap-Up which you are working on. These are also self-correcting so when you have the Wrap-Up done, you can check the back to see if you had the correct answers or not. They can be used over and over and are great both for learning and review of math facts.
The Learning Wrap-Up Math Intro Kit was a favorite of Winston’s. He loves Math and anything to do with Math. He spent hours going over and over the Wrap-Ups simply reviewing facts and he really enjoyed doing that – he still does it today.
The Learning Wrap-Up Vocabulary Intro Kit works the same way as the Math kit. The student places the string at start and wraps to the correct answers. These are also self-correcting and can be reused multiple times. The Vocabulary kit covers synonyms, homonyms, compound words, and antonyms used in vocabulary.
Emma absolutely loved these! A bonus was that words she didn’t know, she quickly learned to read and spell by using these Wrap-Ups! They were right up her learning alley!
Additionally to the Learning Palettes and the Learning Wrap-Ups kits, we received 10 Steps to Addition Mastery and 10 Days to Multiplication Mastery. Each of these workbooks are 62 pages in length. They contain many varied activities in relation to Math concepts. They are black in white print with adorable designs throughout to keep Math interesting for the young users who are working through them. They are not reproducible and each student should have their own workbook for completion. I used them with all three students by having each student choose a page to complete separately. Laycie did more of the additon pages, while Winston and Emmalee completed more of the Multiplication workbook. They agreed the work was fun but still somewhat challenging for them.
We were also given the opportunity to use! We were gifted with a year’s subscription for up to five users. This site covers all levels of the Reading and Math Palettes. It is simple and fun to use, just like the Learning Palettes themselves. Simply follow the instructions to log in, click the Learning Palette you wish to learn with, and complete the answers right on the website. This is also a self-correcting format, helping children to achieve success in learning.
I am so thankful for the chance to review this product and the joy it has brought into our home and our homeschooling. The kids really don’t feel like they are doing school by using Learning Wrap-Ups but instead feel like they are simply playing while learning and nothing makes me happier than that! Learning Wrap-Ups is a wonderful investment for all families, whether in Public school or Homeschooling like we are!
You can find Learning Wrap-Ups in the following places online:
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