Veritas Press is an amazing company with amazing curriculum that we truly love. For this review, we used their Self-Paced History program. I chose the Old Testament and Ancient Egypt for Emmalee to work through.
Emmalee is 11 and is an exceptional student. She bores easily when she learns because she absorbs knowledge in lessons so quickly and most programs do not teach enough factual information for her, so I knew this program would be perfect for her to use. She’s great using a computer and had no issues learning to maneuver through the program. The fact that it is self-paced was perfect for her since it allowed her to work without having to wait on me to teach her or wait for my other children to reach her next lesson.
Veritas Press courses begin with thorough lessons in how to use their programming. This section of the lesson really teaches the student how to use every single aspect of the program so they get the best results in learning. They cover everything from how to move forward and back with the browser buttons, to how to complete online tests and everything in between. I liked the thoroughness because it alleviated the need for me to be right beside Emmalee as she learned with the Self-Paced History course.
I chose the Old Testament and Ancient Egypt course for Emmalee because she has a recent interest in learning about the old world and way of life. Her current interest is actually Dinosaurs and Pre-Historic creatures but I knew that this section of history would be of interest to her as well. She loves learning about the long-ago past and what better way than through a study of the Old Testament and of Ancient Egypt’s life and culture.
Since the course is self-paced, Emmalee was able to work on as many lessons as she wished in a day and take as long as needed to complete them. In our home, we do not focus on “grades” but we do focus on learning. The information provided in this program was wonderful for her and she learned so much.
The program does give a grade, as it does test the student in the lessons being covered as the student works through the program. These tests are done directly on the computer and the student often has multiple choice answers to choose from. Emma did well with her test but not quite as well as I would have liked because she didn’t have all the needed components for the review until the review period was almost past. She was missing the very important History Cards that are covered within each part of the lesson. Once these cards arrived in the mail, her learning increased. Like me, Emma is a person who needs everything together and ready to go in order to work and missing even one thing will throw her lessons completely off kilter.
The Veritas Press History Cards are beautiful designed flashcards created to go along with the lessons in the program. They are an important part of the program as they contain lots of information about the lesson being learned. They are also great for lesson reviewing and reminders between the lessons being learned. Each section of the program focuses on a different card but some cards are reviewed as the lessons are worked through.
Veritas Press Self-Paced History: Old Testament and Ancient Egypt covers 32 important historical events from this time period. The course has 160 class periods to learn in, giving a student a full year of History to learn. It is expected that lessons range from 30 – 50 minutes each and will depend on the pace of your child. It is recommended that 5 lessons per week be completed to be able to finish the program in a year’s time.
The program is interactive and includes videos, games, and more. Some memorization is expected and your child should be independant enough to follow along with the programs instructions before using this program. Also material testing is a part of the lessons for this program.
Veritas Press Self-Paced History: Old Testament and Ancient Egypt is for students in 2nd – 6th grades. The website recommends the program for children older than age 7. Additional literature packages can be purchased to go along with this program as well.
The cost for Veritas Press Self-Paced History: Old Testament and Ancient Egypt is $199 for a year. There is a sibling discount available if you have more than one child working through the program. The Veritas Press History Cards for the Old Testament and Ancient Egypt are available for $19.95.
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