If you are a Mom like me, you have have heard of Motivated Moms before. Or maybe you are just hearing of the program and would like to know more about who and what Motivated Moms is. Either way, you are going to love this program as much as I do.
So what is it? Motivated Moms is a complete organizing program to help busy, often overwhelmed Moms stay on track and get things done. Cleaning, organizing and keeping up with life is very challenging to say the least but Motivated Moms helps to make that challenge a little easier through it’s wonderful and printable e-Book or their fun app!
I came across Motivated Moms a few years ago when I was looking for an inexpensive option to help me organize our home and our life. I was at my wits end trying to keep up with it all. I had two kids with Epilepsy and a son who had his own challenges educationally. Homeschooling, being a Mom, wife and blogger left me completely lost and so overwhelmed that I was just ready to give up on it all. So being a Techie Girl, I pulled up my big girl panties and went on the hunt to find the perfect program to get me through that season of life. And I found it in Motivated Moms.
I must admit, I didn’t jump into using this program right away though. I couldn’t bear to spend money on something I wasn’t sure would work. So I waited and I finally decided to take a chance on the Motivated Moms iPhone App. It was amazing – right away, I found just what I had needed to get me motivated to doing what I needed to do each day. This one little app kept me on task and I’ve been using it ever since.
Each day, when you log onto the Motivated Moms iPhone App, you are taken to the checklist for that very day. this list has around 20 or so different tasks that should be completed that day. Some are daily tasks and others are extra tasks for that day. You can also add in Bible reading that you or the whole family can follow along with. It’s a complete and wonderful planner app for the entire family!
The daily tasks are fairly easy and normal mundane things that you usually do on a daily basis. Things like change the kitchen towels or do the laundry or wipe the kitchen counters down. Also things like feeding your pets, reading to your children and taking your vitamins or medications.
The extra tasks are varied, not routine and change daily. These are things like wipe the bathroom mirror, declutter a nightstand, pay bills and dust the bookshelf. They are all things that need done but things you may not think of or that are not done daily.
You are able to view these tasks by daily tasks, by today’s task or by all tasks which includes the list of the two together. You can also add to the tasks any appointments you may have or personal chores you need to accomplish on that date. This is done simply by clicking the plus sign on the app in the upper left hand corner.
When you click on the plus sign to add a task, you are taken to another screen that allows you to input each detail for the task itself. You can put in the task name, make the task hidden or seen, put in a date that the task is due, make the task repeat, assign the task to a family member and choose a room that the task should be completed in. Once this is completed as you wish it to be, just click “save” in the upper right hand corner and the task will be added into the program to the day or days needed.
If you make a mistake or no longer need a task, you can choose to edit the tasks by clicking “edit” on the right upper side of the app while in the main checklist. This will allow you to remove any tasks that aren’t needed or wanted by you while using this program.
Next to edit is the download symbol of paper with an arrow on the iPhone. Clicking this symbol allows you to print the list or email it as needed. This is a great little feature for those who prefer paper checklists or who don’t want to use their phone for that day.
In the center top of the app are the words “sort by”. Click there to sort the app alphabetically, by family member, room or by user sort. This allows you to see who needs to do what, what needs done where or just view the list in order.
In the bottom left corner of the app is a calendar. Click it to go to the “date” screen of the app to choose your date and see other dates in use for the app. You can click to see yesterday’s, today’s and tomorrow’s lists or select a date in the calender to see the list for that date.
On the bottom right side of the checklist page on the app is a setup emblem. Clicking it takes you to the settings for setting up your app. Here you can choose to turn on and off features. Features of the app are Bible Reading, Moving Checked Tasks, Coloring Assignments, turning the Hidden tasks on and off, creating custom tasks, setting up family members through the people tab, and choosing rooms used in the app. You can also find app Help, your account info, the privacy policy and contact info for the app here.
As I mentioned above, I’ve been using Motivated Moms for years and I really love this app. It’s been a great help to me and my family, though I must admit, sometimes I do still forget to use it. I find that some of the tasks that come automatically on the app are not ones that I need or use so I often delete those right away but I didn’t for this review so that I would be able to give a full and honest opinion of what’s included on the app. For example, I do not empty my trash daily because of our trash system that we already use. I also do not prepare our clothing ahead since we are often home and can do that when we wake up each day.
Things I do use are the laundry and dishwasher reminders, plan dinner, clip children’s nails, organize bills, and so much more. All of these are simple things but sometimes I simply need the encouraging reminder to get these things done.
Motivated Moms is available both as an e-Book and as an App, which is what I choose to use. Their are different versions of e-Books available and each book costs $8 a piece. The Motivated Moms App is available for the iPhone, iPad and iPod for $7 on iTunes. There is a sample app available for $1.99 for two months of access to this planner.
You can also find Motivated Moms here:
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