HISTORY Through The Ages Project Passport World History Study
Ancient Egypt
For this review, we were gifted a digital download of Home School In The Woods’ HISTORY Through The Ages Project Passport World History Study for Ancient Egypt. Home School In The Woods offers several Project Passports for you to learn through such Renaissance and Reformation, The Middle Ages and their newest study Ancient Greece. They are currently working on creating a study for Ancient Rome as well.
These studies are wonderful! They are thorough in design and so very easy for anyone to use. Everything you need to learn about the particular time period of history right in one place.
The Product We Chose:
We chose Ancient Egypt for our Project Passport because we simply love learning about Egypt. Plus my little ones were asking me lots of questions about Egypt at the time. It’s such an interesting time period of History.
What We Received and How It Works:
This study was sent via my email with a download link that gave me access to all the files needed to use the program. Once downloaded, I was able to open the file and find the start file which provides the specifics to using the study. The introduction and all the linked files are set up in the start file.
Opening the start file, you will find information on how to use the study, tips to get through the program and additional materials and books you may need to complete your lessons. Most of these items you will have on hand or be able to borrow from your local library or purchase at your local store. I did have to purchase a folder to use for the passports but these were really inexpensive at Walmart. You could also adapt and use card stock or a file folder instead.
Ancient Egypt includes 25 stops or lessons that are intended to be taught over a period of 8-12 weeks depending on how you space it out. The time frame is completely up to the parent/teacher and how the student learns. You can choose a slower pace and expand your lessons very easily with books and extra internet research or you can work faster, using just the program and what’s included to quickly complete the program for a thorough study on Ancient Egypt. It’s really all up to you.
We chose to take our time on this study because I really wanted to hit some key points for the younger kids and I wanted to reteach some areas of interest to the bigger kids that we didn’t cover with other lessons on Ancient Egypt. My aim was for them to really take in the history and enjoy it over flying through the program. In doing this, I was able to stop as needed and explore more on the history that truly interested us.
Each of the 25 stops covers an important part of Ancient History. Each stop also has an interesting aspect to aid in teaching the topic. Some stops have audio, some have stories, some have wonderful projects to complete such as the Sovenier Craft Card for Dress Like An Egyptian which has both a girl and boy version for fun. The instructions to make these projects are all included and the materials needed are usually on hand as I mentioned previously. Only one or two things will need to be purchased for completion of a project and many of these items can be worked around simply by using a different paper or material to complete it.
The Project Passports do include a timeline and figures for you to keep up with who is who in your lessons. These timelines can be used for any parts of history and reviewed in other lessons or Project Passports. They are a great addition for you and are really simple to put together.
Maps are also included in the Project Passport to help you and your students see exactly where History happened as you learn. They too are simple and easy to use, can be printed for multiple use. We like to laminate these when we finish them so we can go back to them again and again for future use.
Honestly, I absolutely loved our Ancient Egypt Project Passport from Home School In The Woods and so did our kids. I like having all the activities in one place, easy to put to use. I enjoyed having all the book suggestions to go on so I could easily pull out a story to build upon our lessons. And the projects were so much fun to complete.
My kids looked forward to listening to the lessons provided in the program. They really looked forward to the activities and enjoyed the hands-on learning experience they received while we worth through our Project Passport. They have asked to complete more Project Passports on other subjects as well. I’m thinking Ancient Greece will be next for us.
How We Used it:
The past few weeks have been pretty busy for us so I didn’t get to use this one as I had intended but I found it was easy to adapt for us. We had planned to use our Project Passport more often but unexpected appointments caused us to slow our pace even more completing less of the program than I had hoped for our review. We were still able to work through most of the stops each week, completing 1-2 stops per week. My goal had been to complete 2-4 stops per week and more as we worked through the program. I am still thrilled with our results though. And as you see this program can easily be adjusted to work for you and your family as it has for ours.
To Purchase Your Own Product:
Home School In The Woods’ HISTORY Through The Ages Project Passport World History Study for Ancient Egypt for $33.95 for the download that I received. You can also purchase a CD version for $34.95 plus shipping. There are other Project Passports available for purchase as well at similar prices.
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