Reading this post by Amy at Raising Arrows for the She Wears Skirts series got me thinking about skirt wearing again. I have attempted wearing skirts daily in the past but have always managed to fall back into the ease of throwing on whatever I find to wear. Somehow this always seems to be pants or shorts, instead of skirts and dresses but I’m unsure as to why I don’t go for my skirts first.
Growing up, I always wanted to wear pretty dresses or skirts and my Mom’s high heels. Some of my earliest dress up memories are of dressing this way. Over the years, I somehow lost this idea of pretty dressing = femininity. As I grew up, dressing like a “girl” became less important and dressing quickly became more important.
As a Mom, I see my daughter torn over the ideals of the perfect woman. I see her struggle to figure out whether she is beautiful. I see her question if her teeth look nice, if her breath smells, if her clothes match, if her hair is nice. Many of these questions come out of my own insecurity in beauty. My daughter learns from watching me.
One thing I have learned from her is that I should give skirts a chance again. She, like her Momma of yesterday, loves to dress up in pretty skirts and dresses. She loves to have her nails painted pretty colors and her hair pinned up with sweet bows. She enjoys wearing cute but comfy shoes and already she walks on her toes in prep for the high heels she will some day wear in her future.
My goal for this week is to go through my closet (read clean my closet here) and lay out several dress and skirt outfits I can wear each day. I plan to rid myself of anything I dislike and have never really worn. I want to match my shoes and accessories to these outfits as well, so that they will be complete and ready to go.
I know I won’t completely give up pants and shorts but I do want to make a conscious effort to dress better and dress in skirts more often. My sweetie has more than requested this style of dress from me as well, as he enjoys seeing me dressed to my feminine best each day when he comes home. This encourages me to dress this way even more. Making him happy brings me joy.
So hopefully, I can manage to get my closet under control, get some clothing matches made and start wearing my skirts more often this week. At least that’s my goal for now!