CapJaxMathFax is the perfect program for any family that needs extra practice and drill with Math memorization skills. Public schools, home schools and parents with children who need a little extra practice at home can benefit with CapJaxMathFax. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division are all covered in this terrific Math program.
Parent or child can create a lesson in CapJaxMathFax tailored to fit the student’s educational needs. Parent or student can choose addition, subtraction, multiplication and division or any combination of these math skill drills. The skill level and how many facts are included in a set are also available choices. The last choice is to pick how much time is allowed for the practice session. This can change as the child develops more skill with drills on CapJaxMathFax.
As the student works through the drills, the computer keeps up with the average of how long it takes the student to answer, the student’s score, the amount of right and wrong answers and more. Parents or Educators also have the option to print a report of these facts for record keeping and to see what level the student is at. The student can either log out when finished or repeat the program for more skill building.
This program was perfect for our home, as my students enjoy practicing math facts online and building their drilling skills. They enjoy programming that keeps it simple yet fun and that always works well with our homeschooling. This program would benefit any family who feels the same about their lessons.
CapJaxMathFax can be purchased on their website for $29.95 and it is well worth that price, in my opinion. There is a free evaluation of the program available on the website too. Programming for schools is also available.
For more reviews on CapJaxMathFax, please visit the TOS Homeschool Review Crew Blog!

*Disclaimer – This review was provided to me free in exchange for my honest opinion shared in a blog post by CapJaxMathFax and the TOS Homeschool Review Crew.