If you’re a homeschooler then you’ve probably heard of the wonderful website, Time4Learning. Time4Learning provides easy to use curriculum for children in grades Pre-K through 12th at a reasonable price. Time4Learning isn’t just for homeschoolers but can be used for afterschool and Summer Skills a like.
Time4Learning provides one place to find curriculum for your students. This program is completely online, so all you need to do is log in and set up your account to get started. This is a very easy process. You can then set up your student accounts and set lessons for each of them.
Time4Learning can be used with multiple student accounts in various grade levels but each student must have their own account to use the program. This is easily set up within the Parent Account though. Just go to Add Students to do so.
The Parent Account is easily navigated. It provides a Start Here: How to Begin area that explains Time4Learning in full detail. This navigates you through the planning process. You can skip this and go straight to planning by clicking on Lesson Previewing and Planning though.
You can edit your student’s information at any time, changing grade level, creating printouts of work completed, adding and deleting lessons as needed. There is also the option of setting up a timer to help students work efficiently in Time4Learning.
Time4Learning provides a full scope and sequence for lessons for Parent’s to view right on the website in your Parent Account. This allows you to see what your student is learning and how it relates to the Standards set by the United States. Just click on the lessons for your students appropriate grade level to find more information about what your child is learning.
Another great thing about Time4Learning is that you can pull up a complete spelling list for your students, a language arts reading list appropriate to the grade level, and a supply list for your students science lessons. This helps you, the parent, prepare for learning ahead of time.
For our review, we used Time4Learning’s Preschool level. To log into the lower grade levels, I was able to set up our account with my child’s first and last name, along with a simple password that she can remember. This makes it easier for the child to log into the program.
Once inside the program, Laycie met Ed Mouse, the educational mouse. She really likes Ed. He’s a bright blue color and full of energy like Laycie is! You can see at the top of this review.
Once Ed finishes his intro, Laycie was able to click through to work on all kinds of fun things. Time4Learning covers colors, shapes, weather, numbers, rhymes, feelings and so so much more. The program then breaks each topic down into a storybook, games and writing to teach children about each of these important subjects and skills.
There are two levels in Pre-K: Level One and Level Two. Level one is very simple and not too overwhelming though Laycie was a little overwhelmed at all their was to choose from. We like to keep things simple and Time4Learning provides so many choices at once that she didn’t enjoy it as much.
Level Two is a little bit more challenging for older preschool students. In Level 2, students learn about seasons, color mixing, healthy habits, more about numbers and themselves and even more. Both levels cover ABC’s, of course. Since Laycie wasn’t impressed with Level 1, we didn’t make it to Level 2.
Laycie is a very hands-on child. She prefers to learn at the table doing projects to the computer, as I’ve recently come to realize. She does enjoy computer time but has specific games that she is set on playing and Time4Learning wasn’t something she was really into, so it wasn’t a great fit for us. It would be a great fit for my 12 year old son though who greatly enjoys any learning on the computer. It may also become a better fit for Laycie as she ages and learns to sit still for longer periods of time with less physical activity needing to be involved for her learning style.
If your child really enjoys online learning or computer time, they will enjoy using Time4Learning. This is a great program for parents who have previously used online programming for homeschooling. Many parents use Time4Learning as a supplemental program to their normal educational style. The program is also designed to be used as an afterschool and summertime supplement for Public School students.
Time4Learning is very easy to use and is available for one low price of $19.95 per student per month. Additional students can be added for $14.95 per student per month. This gives all students 24/7 access to the online learning program throughout the month. Grade levels can be adjusted accordingly at any time and membership can be stopped at any time as well. There is also a 14 day money-back gaurantee if for any reason you are not satisfied in the program.
To read more reviews in various grade levels for Time4Learning, please click the banner below!!