by Dana
by Dana
TruthQuest History may be one of my favorite history programs ever! This curriculum is written in a completely understandable way with lots of fun activities and book suggestions included. Written with a Christian perspective, TruthQuest History is a wonderful addition for any homeschool.
For this review, we reviewed TruthQuest American History for Young Students Volume 1: Exploration – 1800 . This volume is available in both print for $24.95 and PDF file for $19.95. Optional companion resources are also available to use with this and most volumes of TruthQuest History curriculum.
We really enjoyed using this particular book in the TruthQuest series. We had many of the suggested books to use on hand either in our home library or available from our local county library. Suggested spines to go along with this particular book are Story of the Thirteen Colonies and Story of the Great Republic by H.A. Guerber, as well as This Country of Ours by H.E. Marshall. Also suggested are From Sea to Shining Sea for Children by Peter Marshall and Daniel Manuel, Light and the Glory for Children by Peter Marshall and Daniel Manuel, and Story of the World Volume 3 by Susan Wise Bauer – all three of which we already have in our homeschool library.
As already mentioned, this book covers American History from beginning exploration through the 1800’s. After a brief explanation on how to use the program, the book then dives into history chapter by chapter providing extensive information on different subjects throughout America’s history. From the Discovery of America, to the lost colony, to Jamestown, to George Washington, our countries’ historical wars, and much more are all included in the pages of this book.
Each chapter is set up with a brief introduction to the topic at hand, often providing a ThinkWrite topic to broaden your students subject interest. Then the chapter provides a break down of books that are suggested for reading, allowing a large selection to pick and choose from, followed by suggested activities to assist in better understanding the information covered on the topic. Audio and video suggestions are made where fitting for use to broaden the subject even more. At the end of the book is a list of all materials suggested to use with the program in alphabetical order so that you may prepare for the program ahead of schedule as needed. There is also an appendix listing the ThinkWrite suggestions found throughout the curriculum so they can also be prepared for ahead of time.
This curriculum is a wonderful program for any homeschool to use, teaching History through books and not just facts. The suggestions are wholesome and show strong Christian value while thoroughly covering each topic at hand. TruthQuest History can be purchased online through various vendors or on their website at www.truthquesthistory.com. For more reviews of this curriculum, please visit the TOS Homeschool Review Crew on the blog!
Disclaimer- This volume of TruthQuest History was provided by the publisher, as well as the TOS Homeschool Review crew, for free in exchange for my honest opinion on the curriculum as used in my home. No money was exchanged in the process of this review.