Here is something I bet many of you did not know about Homeschoolers: You can graduate and you can issue a full diploma to your student. Homeschool Diploma can help you make this happen. They provide you with everything you need for your Homeschool Grad. They offer a full package with Cap, Gown, Tassel and Personalized Diploma. We were also able to receive a copy of the standard diploma, a Laminated Wallet Diploma, and a Pre-Stamped Diploma Cover as well.
It is hard for me to believe that we are at the point of Graduation already but my 17 year old is almost grown. It’s hard on a Momma’s heart to see the years pass so quickly by. As homeschoolers, we don’t do things like Public Schoolers most days but I did want him to have something to commemorate this experience as well as a real diploma to show he did his schooling through the years.
This child has been such a joy to raise and love. I want nothing but the best for him and that included for his Cap, Gown, Tassel and Diploma. Homeschool Diploma was more than we could ever have wished for.
You order online with ease through their professionally designed website. The process is very easy. There are so many choices to make as you decide what you want for your Cap, Gown, Tassel and Personalized Diploma package.
Personalized Diploma
First, let’s talk about the Personalized Diploma. I was able to choose between a smaller, standard sized diploma and the larger size. In the beginning, I chose the smaller size but after designing I asked to switch to the larger format. This was easily done, even after submitting, by emailing the company right away. They were happy to change it for us.
They also offer a Standard Diploma that does not come with all these bells and whistles but is just as nice as the Personalized Diploma.
There are so many options to choose from for your diploma. First, you’ll need to choose a School Name to represent your Homeschool. Some states require a school name while others do not. Our state does not so we decided to create a new one. It took a few days but our family finally decided upon Ocean Mountain Academy. We chose this because my children have been educated from the Ocean to the Mountains during our time homeschooling. For us, it means a lot.
There are many elements to the process of creating the diploma. You can choose to make a standard school diploma that looks much like a Public School diploma. You can choose to develop a diploma that contains many elements that point towards your child having been homeschooled in the phrasing. For us, I chose to create a Christian based diploma that represents our style of education, as well as our hopes for the future.
My son’s diploma says:
With thanks to God and acknowledgement of his enabling grace,
we joyfully present
With this diploma. It is the culmination of twelve years of home education,
a milestone at which we recognize his many accomplishments, and evidence
that he has fulfilled all requirements for graduation.
It is followed with the date we have chosen for his graduation which has not happened yet.
Additionally, I was able to choose a Bible verse or a quote to add to our diploma.
I chose a Bible verse:
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
I was able to choose between having two names listed as the signature line like a Public School diploma or to list one name and the date. There were several options for this. I chose to list Instructor on the left and the Date on the right since I have been the main educator throughout my children’s lives.
In between these, I was able to choose a seal. There were also several options for this from embossing, a foil seal and a colorful foiled seal. Different seals were available and I chose the one I felt represented us best. I chose a gold and blue seal with a cross and crown in the middle that states Soli Deo Gloria: To God Alone Be The Glory. You can also choose an Honors foil seal.
I love my son’s diploma and can hardly wait to create my daughters because this process was simple and fun. Additionally, I was able to order a second diploma in case something happens to the original, as well as a Laminated Wallet Diploma. The second diploma is formatted exactly as the first.
Pre-Stamped Diploma Cover
Our Personalized Diploma also came with a Pre-Stamped Diploma Cover. I was a little disappointed that the cover was limited on color options but I’m happy with it in the end. I choose a solid black cover for my son’s diploma.
The Diploma cover also come with multiple options to choose from. I choose to place a replica of the seal on the diploma on the cover. This replica is simply gold embossing that fits the style of the rest of the embossing on the cover.
I also had our School Name, Ocean Mountain Academy added to the cover and my son’s full name is written at the bottom right corner. I love how beautifully this turned out. It truly stands out and is beautiful.
Cap, Gown and Tassel
The next step in the diploma process was choosing our Cap, Gown and Tassel. I knew immediately, if it was available, we wanted purple. Purple is my son’s favorite color, it’s my daughter’s favorite color and it’s the color for Epilepsy. Purple means a great deal to our family.
I’m thankful that Purple was indeed one of the color options. I chose a length I felt would work for my son and hit submit. The selection process for this was just as easy as the rest.
The Tassel also had many options available. We could choose various colors, or even two colors. I asked the kids what they wanted for their graduation tassel and together they chose purple only. We were also able to chose between a silver and a gold 2018 charm. They chose silver.
Other Options Available
There are so many options available at Homeschool Diploma. You can order a class ring. You can order additional graduation jewelry. You can order mugs, shirts, picture frames. Almost anything that you can order for a public school homeschooler, you will find on Homeschool Diploma’s website. Honors accessories are also available to be purchased.
Kindergarten and 8th Grade Graduation Options:
Homeschool Diploma also offers Kindgarten Cap, Gown, Tassel and Diploma sets, as well as an 8th Grade Diploma option.
You can find Homeschool Diploma online at:
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