Papa’s Pearls: A Father’s Gift of Love and Wisdom To His Children and Grandchildren is a loving memoir of the life of Diane Flynn Keith’s father. Mrs. Keith shares the trials and triumphs taught to her throughout her life by her loving, hard-working father Carol Joseph Flynn. Papa’s Pearls shares Carol’s story.
Carol Joseph Flynn was born and raised during the time of the Great Depression. His mother named him for a King but growing up with a girl’s name in America didn’t have royal results. Immediately, Carol learned he had to be tough to make it in life with a name like Carol.
Papa’s Pearls shares how Carol lived, the wisdoms he learned along the way. He hide nothing from his children, sharing with them his experiences in a Boy’s Home, close call with prison and most importantly how he chose to turn everything around to become a better man and the loving father he was to them.
Papa’s Pearls is a wonderfully written memoir that would make a great gift to a troubled teenaged boy, a young man on his way to changing his troubled life or someone who can relate to the stories that Diane Flynn Keith shares of her father throughout the book. It’s also a wonderful read to discuss the time period of the Great Depression, how people lived and survived the era. It would be a great addition to any personal library.
I greatly enjoyed the humor and wit used throughout this book. The chapters were touching, providing great wisdom on everyday matters that can still be applied today. You can purchase an autographed copy of Papa’s Pearls: A Father’s Gift of Love and Wisdom to His Children and Grandchildren on the Papa’s Pearls website for $21.97. Papa’s Pearls, the blog is also full of stories, posts and inspiration much like that provided in the book itself.