If I had a list of companies that I love, it would definitely include Hewitt Homeschooling Resources. Over the years we have reviewed many products from them and all have been absolutely fabulous. For this review, I chose the My First Report series and received My First Report: Solar System.
What I wasn’t expecting and what I love so much about Hewitt Homeschooling Resources was the additional gift of My First Report: Bugs and Worms
and My First Report: Famous People for us to enjoy as well! These studies are all well designed and amazing to work on with my children. All of these reports are for grade levels 1 through 4.
We love learning about the Solar System but we haven’t done much with learning about it with Jackson, so I was happy to get this report and work on it with him to help him learn more about our planets and how the universe is designed. He enjoys looking at the Stars and we often talk about the planets but we just haven’t been in depth on the lessons. This report was the perfect guide to help us teach him more.
This is a Faith-based studies created by Christine Dillon. It’s 58 pages in length and comes in a stapled, printed computer paper with a card stock cover and end sheet. It is 3-hole-punched for your convenience to be able to be placed into a binder if you wish.
At the beginning of the report, you will find a brief explanation on how to use the report with your child, and then the report begins. There are 12 pages of questions – one for the Sun, one per planet including Pluto, and one for Asteroids, Comets and Meteors. Each page contains 5-7 questions about the part of the Solar System being covered and Vocabulary at the bottom of the page as well.
On page 27 of the study, you can find suggestions of activities to be done with your students for the Unit Study and Report. You can adapt these as needed. The reports are very flexible and offer deeper research for older students as well. The Unit Study portion covers Bible, History/Geography/Social Studies, Reading, Language, Math, Science/Health, Physical Education, Music, and Art. It also offers Field Trip ideas, and Resource information to help you further explore the Report’s lessons.
On page 42, you will find a full list of Vocabulary, complete with definitions for each term. Page 43 is a fun Wordfind for your student to complete. Page 44 provides a chart of information to explore and to fill out. Page 45 is a chart that shows how the Planets travel around the Sun. On pages 46 and 47, you will find a chart of Constellations and their names. Pages 48 and 49 provide copywork which is followed by several blank forms to be used during the study for Reading and Writing activities.
The packet is designed for you to use one topic each week in order to expand the report for a quarter of a semester. It covers everything from why each hemisphere has seasons at differing times, to the first space accident, to figuring out how high you can jump on each planet. There are many fun activities and many challenging ones as well to be completed with your students. What you choose to do is up to you, the teacher and parent, though.
We really enjoyed the My First Report: Solar System packet. It was a lot of fun to learn together and perfect for Jackson. Laycie enjoyed learning more as well through using this report as a study.
My First Report: Bugs and Worms
This report covers Grasshoppers, Flies, Ants, Bees, Fireflies, Crickets, Ladybugs, Spiders, Caterpillars, Butterflies/Moths, Dragonflies, and Worms. Written by Christine Dillon, it is 54 pages long and follows a similar style to the Solar System report. It too can be stretched to last for a quarter of a school term.
My First Report: Famous People
This report covers Christopher Columbus, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Sir Issac Newton, Rembrandt, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Clara Barton, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Alva Edison, Martin Luther, Susanna Wesley and Booker T. Washington. This report is 44 pages in length and is similar to the others. It is very easy to follow and helps you design a study that is thorough yet fun.
Each of these studies is available for $8.95. You may also purchase a download.
You can find Hewitt Homeschooling Resources online at:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hewitthomeschooling
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hewittonline
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/hewittonline/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/HewittOnline
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hewittonline/
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