I love history. It’s one of my favorite subjects and it always has been. I just love to learn about the past: where we come from and who we are.
Genealogy became a passion of mine even before I was out of high school. I remember filling out the Family Bible will all the names of my grandparents, my parents, their siblings, my siblings and so on. The fact we came from someone and somewhere was important to me.
In the early 2000’s, I began to research more and compiled names using software that I purchased. I added in photos and really enjoyed the process of learning more about my family.
Here almost 20 years later, I still have a passion for Ancestry. Now I enjoy going to the towns where family lived, seeing their graves, connecting with those who’s lives created our own. I recently resubscribed to an online website where I’ve been learning more about our family and their lives which I’ve been sharing with others. Some of it is not the happiest of truths but all of it is important information about the people who came before me and I enjoy gathering their stories and sharing them.
My daughter shares this interest, and one day I look forward to passing this info on to her for her to continue to share with our family. The stories do not die with our loved ones. Their memories live on by sharing them with future generations.
Until next time…
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