I was really wanting a simple but fun Science curriculum to use with Jack this year. He’s turning 6 next month and he’s suddenly the budding scientist so I really want to embrace that for him. When I saw WriteBonnieRose on the crew review list I was really intrigued. I chose Learning About Science Collection, Level 1 for us to use at home. Since Jack is younger, I thought it would work best for him.
This level is perfect for 1st-3rd graders but really I think you could use it with Kindergarten too if you have an advanced learner who comprehends well. There are 172 pages in the course. It contains 7 books on science topics that you can work through beginning with whichever book interests you most.
The books (worksheet sets) are:
Familiar Plants and How They Grow
Fruits and Vegetables Around The World
Animal Habitats of the World
Our Senses and How They Work
Learning About Life Cycles
Earth: Layers, Earthquakes and Volcanos
Exploring States of Matter
Each of these books vary in length from just around 12 pages to 51 pages for the Animal Habits unit. The sections are interactive as they learn. There is provided copywork throughout each study and questions to answer, activities and review work at the end to recall what they’ve learned in the course. We were easily able to print these to work on for our review and Jackson enjoyed having the paper that he could hold which showed what he was learning about that day. You could even laminate some of these so that your student can practice writing the words over and over again to learn them.
Familiar Plants and How They Grow discusses the parts of plants that kids can recognize easily. They learn about each part in this short but thorough section. They learn about how plants grow as well.
Fruits and Vegetables Around The World discusses 28 fruits and 28 vegetables that are commonly known. This unit shows your child where the fruits and veggies come from and how they grow and get to us. It’s a great unit for learning about the food we eat.
Animal Habitats of the World discusses 78 different animals and the 18 habitats they can be found in. This is an extensive unit that focuses on location of the animals and also what they eat. It’s a great unit for learning more about the creatures that inhabit Earth along with us.
Our Senses and How They Work discusses the body and what the systems that comprise of our body consist of. We learn what happens inside us and how it works together to bring us to life. This is a great study for young kids.
Learning About Life Cycles discusses the changes that animals go through and how they work to help our environments. If they didn’t have certains transformations they could never do the jobs they are here for. This unit focuses on how they change and the reasons behind these changes.
Earth: Layers, Earthquakes and Volcanoes is an introduction to what lies below the grass and rocks we find outside daily. It shows what Earth is like at it’s core and what you find as you dig down through the layers that create our planet. It also teaches about why we have Earthquakes and Volcanoes and how those work because of the layers of Earth we are on.
Exploring States of Matter is a brief introduction to Chemistry and Physics by showing what matter is and how it works.
I love the simpleness of the program as well. It wasn’t complicated to read the pages with Jack and to encourage him to write the words, which he didn’t always want to do. He enjoyed the subject matter we read about and he learned a lot while we worked through the course for the review period.
I did find that it was best to stick to one book at a time for the program, and not easy to skip around since the pages are written to continue from one to another in each section. It’s best to work through one at a time but you don’t need to go in any particular order for them. If you’d like to do the shorter books first and save the longer ones for last that would work well. Or vice versa. Or just pick a section that you feel would interest your child.
We really loved learning about the plants and fruits and vegetables, especially with everything in bloom right now. The life cycles section is pretty neat, too. We worked on some of the shorter books and will be working more in the future, especially on the Animals Habitats part of the curriculum. Jack loves learning about animals but for the sake of this review, I felt the shorter books would be best to go through. I really look forward to reading through this more with him and seeing his love of Science grow through what we are learning together.
We will definitely be purchasing the other levels of this curriculum as well. You cannot beat the price of the course either. You can get the entire Learning About Science Collection, Level 1 for $12! That’s 172 pages of Science that is simple and easy to use with your student. Level 2 and 3 are also available and many other products can be found at WriteBonnieRose!
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