As soon as I saw on our vendor list, I knew this was going to be a great review for my family. I personally love to play Chess and my kids follow right along behind me. What could be more perfect for us than to be able to test out this product!
I wasn’t sure what we would receive, of course, until the Vendor form went up. I was so excited to find the product we would be receiving was the Starter Chess Learning Kit. This kit has everything one needs to begin learning about Chess.
It didn’t take long before our Starter Chess Learning Kit arrived. I immediately handed it over to my 12 year old son, because I knew this was going to be the review for him! He opened the box cautiously as he does everything and wasn’t at all sure what was inside. As soon as he unzipped the case though, he knew just what he had gotten and boy, was he thrilled!
We received a tan/green camo case. It’s soft and comes with a strap or handles for carrying. The color was perfect for Winston, who really loves hunting and first thought it was a case for his hunting gun. Inside the case are several zippered pouches, each containing the Chess pieces to use for play and instruction. They are black and ivory like most Chess sets. There is also a vinyl, roll-up Chess board. Winston LOVED that it rolls up so he can carry it with him to his Grandmother’s or his Aunt’s house, or wherever he’d like to play.
Of course, the set also comes with an instruction booklet and extra pouches are built into the case for holding the instructions. There is also room to hold lesson DVD’s which our set came with. We received a DVD copy of Elliott’s Chess School Pawn Level 1 with our kit.
Elliott’s Chess School Pawn Level 1 is amazing. The kids really enjoyed the simple but thorough instruction. Even Grandma said she learned from this easy to learn and listen video. It provides instruction on each of the Chess pieces, how to avoid mistakes and prepare for success in playing Chess, along with important game strategies.
Pawn Level is the beginner level of video instruction but there are additional levels available for purchase for more advanced players. Because the kids kids loved this instructional video so much, we will be purchasing more of these DVD’s to further our Chess education. The video series is appropriate for ages 4 and up. It is 49 minutes in length.
I cannot express how much we love or our Starter Chess Learning Kit! It’s been one of the biggest hits from our review items this year. All the kids have enjoyed it from my oldest to my youngest and as I mentioned above, even Grandma! It’s an educational tool that everyone can enjoy!
Everyone learned so much just by watching the lesson DVD and each additional time they watched, they were able to learn even more. The DVD has truly taught Winston so much about this game that he so truly loves to play. He’s even competition for me now! It’s wonderful.
You can purchase your own Starter Chess Learning Kit set for $39.95 plus shipping. Additional instructional DVD’s are also available. The Starter Chess Learning Kit comes with the Full portable Chess board with pieces and a DVD copy of Elliott’s Chess School Pawn Level 1.
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