It’s been a while since I’ve made a post. I’ve been extremely busy living the life.
The littles are doing great. They’ve had their summer vacation aka Vacation Bible School week away with their Aunt. We’ve been swimming and playing our hearts out (when we can). Last weekend was our 4th of July get-together and it was one busy weekend. Still don’t have the pics uploaded. I’m on a new laptop (whoo-hoo!) and haven’t taken the time to upload the necessary software because I’ve had so much else to do.
Last Friday we went to a sweet little neighborhood cookout in the neighborhood of our good friends. They had grilled a goat and some chicken. The goat was interesting and surprisingly not bad at all. It was my first time trying that dish! We hung out there, with kids in tow, until well after midnight – watched fireworks, chatted up a storm and made stronger bonds with our good friends. It was a lot of fun and we cannot wait to do it all over again sometime soon.
On Saturday, we did a bunch of stuff around our house to get ready for our 4th bash.
Sunday – the Fourth – the BIG day… We hung out at home until it was time to head over to our Party Zone. Guests started arriving around 2pm. By three the party was in full swing. There was a small pool for the little ones, complete with water guns and a slip-n-slide too. We grilled hamburgers and hotdogs, with chips and homemade mac-n-cheese. Sweet tea, Pepsi and Mountain Dew’s to drink. It was great… family and friends really enjoyed themselves (at least we hope they did!). We finished our day with a small array of fireworks, which the kids really loved! Overall it was a terrific day and the climax to a wonderful weekend.
We hope that all of our friends had a safe and happy 4th of July themselves! God bless each of you.