Faith in religion, in God. Faith in birth. Faith in finances. Faith in home, friends, family. A never-ending stretch of faith.
I am filled with Faith. Somedays, I don’t think I can find it but there is always that simple, small mustard seed, which in the end of it all is all that we need. Just a simple mustard seed of faith in the Lord.
And I can promise you, I do have that.
This year, in 2013, my word of the year will be Driven.
I will find myself moving forward. I will be building upon dreams and tasks that I have wished to have completed for a long time. I will head into this year on a mission to do the best I possibly can. Driven to do what I need to as I’m lead to progress.
I’m hoping I can live up to this word throughout the year, as I grow in many things and accomplish many of the wishes I have. What is your word for 2012 and 2013? Please share in the comments or send me a link if you’ve shared in a post. I’d love to read them.